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Pokémon GO shows events for February

February gets big in Pokémon GO! Various events bring new Pokémon like Fleknoil, Boreos and Mamolida. In addition there are 4 new Shinys.

Niantic announced: The developers showed almost all the events that await us this month. There are also two new events, a raid day and a new raid boss.

We give you an overview of all new Pokémon and the events that await you.

Giovanni brings Shiny Raikou with him

Here’s how Giovanni continues: The next special research with Giovanni will be ready in February. Whoever solves these can end up challenging the Rocket boss and catching a crypto raikou if they win.

The crypto version of Raikou will be available from Giovanni

When does special research start? Who already in January last special research with Giovanni has completed the new research since midnight.

Alternatively, you have to pass the last special research before you get the new tasks. If you also encounter Giovanni through the latest research, he will also have Raikou. Lavados is history and was only available in January.

New research breakthrough with Fleknoil

That is new: If you pick up your research breakthrough in February, you will encounter the new Pokémon Fleknoil. This is available throughout February in the breakthrough. In addition to Fleknoil, you will also get Fleknoil candies if you break through

It won’t start until tonight at 10 p.m. So if you can pick up your breakthrough today, you will be until 10pm continue to meet Lapras,

Fleknoil and its further development

What is Fleknoil? The Psycho and Flight type Pokémon is somewhat reminiscent of Zubat. If you have enough sweets, it will develop into Fletiamo.

New Pokémon Boreos appears in raids

When does Boreos come? The legendary Pokémon replaces Heatran and will be released on February 4th at 10 p.m. You can fight it for almost a month, because it only disappears on February 25th at 10 p.m.

Boreos in animal spirit and incarnation form

This is special about Boreos: The legendary Pokémon has two forms. At first, it will probably appear in the incarnation form. But there is still the animal spirit form, which also has other values.

How good is Boreos? The Pokémon is of the flight type and is one of them best attackers, A detailed analysis will follow soon on MeinMMO.

How do you counter Boreos? The Pokémon is vulnerable to the types of electric, ice and rock. We will publish the best counterattacks against Boreos shortly.

Sinnoh event brings Shiny Riolu

Then the event starts: This event only lasts for a weekend. Bonuses are active from February 7th at 8:00 AM local time to February 10th at 10:00 AM local time.

What is there in the Sinnoh event? The focus here is primarily on hatching eggs. There are the following bonuses:

  • In 7 km eggs you will only find Sinnoh Pokémon such as Knospi, Wadribie, Bronzel, Kaumalat, Riolu, Hippopotas and Mantirps
  • There is special field research available from Sinnoh Pokémon and Stones
  • Shiny Riolu and Shiny Hippopotas will be available in Pokémon GO for the first time
Shiny Sinnoh eventShiny Sinnoh event
All new Shinys in the Sinnoh event

How good will the event be? This weekend you have to run and hatch a lot. The two new Shinys will probably be quite rare in the future. Riolu in particular is rarely found in eggs. As Shiny, it should be even rarer.

Kaumalat in the eggs should also be interesting. It remains to be seen whether it stays as rare as in the 10 km eggs, but if not, then you have a good chance of a shiny.

The fieldwork for this event has already been leaked, There it seems that at least the spawns in the wild have also changed. After all, you have to catch, for example, the Gen 4 starters, which are quite rare without an increase.

Valentine’s Day brings Shiny Chaneira and Raid Day

Then the event starts: This event is also only a weekend long and starts on February 14th at 8 a.m. local time. Bonuses are available until February 17th at 10 a.m. local time.

New pokemonNew pokemon
The two new Pokémon Mamolida and Ohrdoch

What is there in the event? Of course, everything turns in the pink Pokémon again. There are the following bonuses:

  • Rose Pokémon are increasingly found in the wild, in eggs, in raids and in quests
  • Ohrdoch and Mamolida appear in Pokémon GO for the first time
  • Normal lock modules are active for 6 hours during the event
  • Double candies when catching Pokémon
  • Shiny Wonneira hatches from eggs and Shiny Chaneira appears in the wild
Shiny ChaneiraShiny Chaneira

What you know about the spawns: The field research has already leaked here, So there should be more flegmon, hop sprout, Liebiskus and Flurmel in the wilderness. Further spawns are conceivable.

Raid day with Shiny Schlurp

During the Valentine’s Day event there will also be a raid day with shuffling. It runs on February 15 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

In the 3 hours you will find a shuffle raid on every arena. The shuffle can then also appear as a shiny.

Shiny shuffleShiny shuffle

There is this bonus: You can get up to 5 free raid passes during the event. So you can do a total of 6 free Schlurp raids with your day pass.

Schlurp will also master the Bodyslam charging attack. This will be available as an exclusive attack.

Friendship weekend with more gifts

Then the event starts: There is also an event on the last full weekend in February. From February 21 at 8 a.m. local time to February 24 at 10 a.m. local time, the friendship level bonuses are active.

Pokémon GO gift box title2Pokémon GO gift box title2

What does the event bring? Everything about your friends is boosted. There will be the following bonuses this weekend:

  • Friendship level increases faster
  • Pokémon bring twice the amount of candy when swapped
  • Swap Pokémon is half the price
  • You can open 40 gifts a day
  • You can carry 20 gifts at a time

It is not yet clear: At the moment it is not known how quickly the friendship level increases in the event. However, if you want to level up quickly with your friends, then you should take advantage of the full days.

So even on Monday, where the event ends at 10 a.m., you should have opened the maximum of gifts beforehand.

Pokémon GO is testing two new events

This is the spotlight hour: This event will be all about a Pokémon for an hour. The monster is not yet known and should be a surprise, according to Niantic.

This bonus is active on February 4, between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. It remains to be seen whether Niantic will announce the Pokémon by then or whether it will only be announced at the start of the event.

Pikachu AshPikachu Ash
Pokémon GO is testing two new events

This is the miracle bonus hour: On February 6, between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m., Niantic tries out the miracle bonus hour. At this event there will be a wonderful bonus for an hour.

This bonus is also not yet known and should also be a surprise.

Niantic makes it clear that these two events should be the first tests. However, these events may then take place weekly, just like the raid hour.

You can also vote for Community Day from today. We show you which Pokémon are worth it:

Pokémon GO: Which Monster for Community Day? All advantages and disadvantages

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