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Players and Lucien Favre accept lower wages

Players from Bayern Munich and other German clubs have agreed to cut wages to help their leaders deal with the coronavirus crisis. Lucien Favre too.

At the “Rekordmeister”, at the head of the championship at the time of the interruption on March 13, all the players, the members of the board of directors and the supervisory board said they were ready to give up 20% of their salary, according to the daily newspaper with a large circulation Bild.

At Bayern, which maintains a team of stars, salary expenses had represented 336.2 million euros during the 2018/2019 season, for a turnover of 750.5 million.

The first in Germany to spontaneously propose a pay cut were the players from Mönchengladbach, followed by their colleagues from Bremen and Schalke 04. In Dortmund and Leverkusen, discussions are underway, reports the press.

At Borussia Dortmund, coach Lucien Favre himself offered to cut his salary. For the players, the club envisages a reduction of 20% of wages if the matches do not resume, and of 10% if they resume in camera, since in this case, the clubs would receive the TV rights.

ats, dpa

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