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platinum reign

NOTHING, nor the controversy generated by the alleged dalliances of the duke of Yorknor the unexpected renunciation of the royalty of the prince Harry y Meghannor the exposed breasts of Sarah Ferguson y Kate Middletonnor the erotic telephone conversations between the prince Carlos y Camilla Parkernor the sad ending of Diananor the contradictory attitudes of Elizabeth II Around a brexit that she did not know how to manage and with which she even believed she could increase her power, they have managed to undermine the respect and admiration projected by the 96-year-old Supreme Governor of the Church of England.

Thanks to her the British monarchy is still strong. And only certain doubts arise when we ask ourselves how the subjects of the Crown will react when the sovereign of the fifteen independent States that make up the Commonwealth of Nations disappears and ceases to hold the staff of union that everyone now respects.

Support for the House of Windsor has been undeniable these seven decades. And it may continue like this for many years, despite the increasingly prominent authority of the Executive branch, and the impact that independence movements may have on the monarchy both within an increasingly (un)United Kingdom, and in the overseas territories. ; eager, logically, to forge their destiny in an increasingly autonomous way as well.

Meanwhile, the opinion polls mark the affection towards the Royal family and the commitment to the leadership of William and Kate. And this is something that Carlos, his direct successor, must assume if he wishes to preserve the legacy of his admirable, resigned and conscientious mother. Otherwise, the hitherto marginal republican feeling, only perceptible among the youngest and beyond the borders, could grow to the point of weakening a unitary parliamentary monarchy on which so many other royal houses have their eyes set, as well as their hope for the future and consolidation. .

It is enviable to see a Kingdom so proud and united around a historical heritage that, from the outside, we are barely able to interpret in its proper measure. It’s more; Despite the scandals, and even those doubts about tax fraud that have affected Prince Charles and spilled over to other British dignitaries, Elizabeth II included, it is moving to know that the majority of British people believe that the monarchy is the best option for their country , and that only 13% express misgivings about it.

And that we are talking about an exemplary democracy whose deputies and other politicians are subject to transparent and exhaustive control by the citizens. Hence, in the midst of these four days of celebration and recognition of Elizabeth II, only Boris Johnsonwith its ravings, its petulances and the debauchery of the partygateconstitutes the stain that blackens the great Platinum Jubilee.

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