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Pinocchio, an Atlas to reconstruct the puppet’s path in world cultures

Three years of analysis to reconstruct the trail of essentially the most well-known wood puppet on this planet by world cultures. It is theAtlas of Pinocchio, revealed by Treccani and promoted by the Caript Basis, the Uniser Basis, the College for Foreigners of Perugia and the Carlo Collodi Nationwide Basis. Over 140 students from all around the world collaborated on the quantity. The work will likely be offered in Pistoia on Could twenty ninth at 5pm within the Saloncino della Musica of Palazzo dè Rossi, residence of the Caript Basis.

“It will not simply be the presentation of the quantity to the general public – he underlines Giovanni Capecchi, president of Uniser and curator of the Pinocchio Atlas – however will probably be a chance to dialogue on the subject along with students from all around the world. Individuals who have devoted a major a part of their tutorial life to the examine of Pinocchio and the impression it left on totally different cultures. That is exactly the soul of the Atlas: an extra demonstration of how related the puppet narrated by Carlo Lorenzini is for world tradition.”

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There can even be a spherical desk entitled Our Pinocchio: the translator and author of Armenian origins will likely be current Antonia Arslanthe director of the theatrical present Black Pinocchio Marco Baliani and the author Ermanno Cavazzoni. They can even be speaking in regards to the Atlas Carlos Rubio Torres of the College of Costa Rica and Mario Casari, professor of Persian language and literature at La Sapienza College. The day devoted to Pinocchio will shut with the present, on the Bolognini theatre, Wood Eyes, aka Pinocchi’theatrical work, with unique music by Riccardo Tesi, written and directed by Giovanni Fochi.

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– 2024-05-23 18:00:44

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