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Pierre-Henry Broncan is no longer manager of Castres Olympique

At the head of Castres Olympique since December 2020, Pierre-Henry Broncan is no longer the coach of Castres Olympique, according to information from our colleagues from Midi Olympique.

It will have been one defeat too many. After the setback conceded by Castres Olympique to Pierre-Fabre against La Rochelle, the place of Pierre-Henry Broncan seemed more than threatened. A place that the Gersois has just lost, according to information from Midi Olympique. The president of the CO Pierre-Yves Revol would have announced the end of their collaboration to him on Monday. A meeting must be held this Monday at 5 p.m. with the players to tell them the news.

Promoted to head coach in December 2020, Pierre-Henry Broncan had put the Tarn club back on track during the 2020-2021 season, before wearing the “blue and white” until the final of the Top 14 the year. However, since September, the Castres have not surfed on the results of their previous exercise and have stagnated in a worrying 11th place in the championship, two points behind 13th and barrage Perpignan.


Still according to Midi Olympique, Jérémy Davidson would be in pole position to take over from Pierre-Henry Broncan. The former manager of Brive, dismissed from the Corrèze club from October, notably went through the CO as a player (1998-2001), but also a coach (2007-2009).

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