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Pfizer Claims Covid-19 Vaccine 90% effective – Ongoing Trials in 3rd Phase

While the world is consistently racing against time, multiple ongoing vaccine trials are in the works. Several trials in the U.S, England, and even India are currently in progress, suggesting that the world could very well have the vaccine in hand.


Leading pharmaceutical companies, Pfizer, along with BioNTech are in the 3rd phase of their ongoing vaccine trial. The company assured that their vaccine is 90% effective in helping improve people’s condition and immunize the citizens against Covid-19.


The statement by Pfizer was released amidst the sharp rise in the Covid-19 cases across the world with the unstabilised stock market rise and fall.


The preliminary findings of the study done by Pfizer also suggested protection in the patients within seven days after two doses and then 28 days after the first administration of the vaccine.


Pfizer chairman and CEO Albert Bourla further mentioned in his statement that the first set of results from the Phase-3 trials provides individuals with the vaccine’s effectiveness on individuals.


“We are a significant step closer to providing people around the world with a much-needed breakthrough to help bring an end to this global health crisis,” Bourla further clarified.


They further clarified that their achievement in this field is at a much needed time when the world is consistently racing against the clock.


Globally, the Covid-19 cases are soaring through, especially when it comes to some of the epicenters across the world. Hospitals are consistently overbooked, making it difficult for the individuals on the front line to meet the soaring needs.


With the reports on the supply projections, the company clarified that they are likely going to develop over 50 million doses of the vaccine by 2020 and over 1.3 billion doses by the beginning of 2021.


Aside from this ongoing trial by Pfizer, there are a few ongoing trials that are close to success. Some of them include U.S Moderna, a European project led by Oxford University and Astra Zeneca, and the host of other trials that are being conducted in the Chinese laboratories. It is going to take time as it is not as easy as casinos offering free spins with no deposit registrations.


Two distinct Russian vaccine trials were also registered for direct clinical use before the completion of the trials, which further posed issues, especially outside of Russia.


The pharmaceutical company, Pfizer, further said that they are currently in the process of securing two months’ worth of data following the final dose. This is a strict requirement as mentioned by the US Food and Drug Administration.


The vaccine is likely going to use the mRNA that could further help protect against the viral infection. Unlike the majority of the traditional vaccines that directly train the body to fight against the virus, the mRNA directly triggers the body’s immune system to fight the virus.


The proteins are completely harmless but potent enough to fight against the virus and bolster the immune response.


According to reports, both Pfizer and BioNTech are planning on submitting the Phase-3 trials for the peer-review. As of today, over 42 vaccine candidates have been recognised by the World Health Organisation that is currently available with their ongoing trials.

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