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“Percentage run” for more wages in Stuttgart – SWR Aktuell

Public service workers protested on Thursday in Stuttgart for more wages. The German Association of Officials DBB had called for a so-called “percentage run” in all federal German state capitals. Around 20 people took part in the protest on Stuttgart’s Schlossplatz. Some of them symbolically ran through a large poster – according to their own account, to break the state’s blockade of collective bargaining. For the approximately 600,000 collective bargaining employees in the country, the DBB is demanding five percent more money. Monthly salaries are to rise by at least 150 euros, in the healthcare sector by at least 300 euros. A first round of collective bargaining had no result. The federal states, i.e. the employers’ side, had not yet submitted an offer. The managing director of the Baden-Württemberg civil servants’ association, Peter Ludwig, described this to the SWR as a “mess”. Last year, the public service was still celebrated for its services in Corona times, now they are not being rewarded. The collective bargaining in Potsdam will continue next Monday. In Hesse, which is the only federal state to conduct independent collective bargaining, both sides had agreed in mid-October on a tariff increase of four percent.

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