Home » today » News » People’s Strength Ethics Committee suspends former CEO Jun-seok Lee’s party membership, sanctioning him for another year

People’s Strength Ethics Committee suspends former CEO Jun-seok Lee’s party membership, sanctioning him for another year

photo credit: Yonhap News

The Central Ethics Committee of People’s Power imposed an additional one-year disciplinary action against former president Lee Jun-seok, who was suspended from party membership.

As a result, former President Lee will be suspended from party membership until early January 2024, in addition to the six-month suspension of party membership.

Lee Yang-hee, chairman of the ethics committee, said Lee requested an injunction to prevent the holding of a national committee in accordance with the People’s Party’s constitutional rules of people’s power. inappropriate act “.

He also explained the reason for the disciplinary action, saying: “Harming the honor of others by using persistent and offensive expressions towards party members, etc., aggravated the confusion within the party and accelerated the dismissal of the party. public”.

When asked if former CEO Lee Jun-seok’s absence from the ethics committee had affected his disciplinary action, he said, “Absolutely not.”

The Ethics Committee said it unanimously decided the level of disciplinary action against former CEO Lee.

On the other hand, the People’s Force Ethics Committee took strict precautions only from the chairman of the representative Kwon Seong-dong, who was also subject to disciplinary action for violating the ban rule at the time of the banquet.

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