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PEDRO CASABLANC: “No actor ever wanted to be secondary”

We have seen the bad guy from Casablanc in series like ‘Hospital Central’, ‘Compañeros or ‘Periodistas’, as well as in ‘La Fortuna’, by Alejandro Amenábar; ‘White lines’, en Netflix; Perfect life, Toy Boy o Slaughterhouse, recently. Who doesn’t remember his performance as commissioner Luis Bárcenas in ‘B, the movie’?

The actor, one of the most acclaimed on the television and film scene, immediately premieres ‘El Universo de Ólviver’ in theaters and recording the second season of Álex de la Iglesia’s successful series ’30 Monedas’. Meanwhile, he toured the state theaters with Maru Valdivieso with the fun play ‘Decline’written in 1981 by Steven Berkoff (an author considered a black humor wizard): uA work full of sarcasm that shows what societies hide from the inside and the moral illnesses that suffer from it. The actors come out on stage reconverted into classist and racist characters, frivolous and heartless; hypocritical, banal and selfish.

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