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Pedestrian crossings – changes for drivers from June 1, 2021, what will change?

Increasing the scope of pedestrian protection in the area of ​​the crossing, standardization of the permissible speed in the built-up area, regardless of the time of day, and the prohibition of the so-called bumper driving. These are some of the changes that will come into force on June 1 as a result of the amendment to the Road Traffic Law.

The amendment to the Road Traffic Law was published in the Journal of Laws in mid-March this year. The act will enter into force on June 1, 2021. The new regulations introduce some significant changes.


Pedestrian crossings

The amendment assumes that pedestrians will also have priority before entering the lanes. “The driver of the vehicle, approaching a pedestrian crossing, is obliged to exercise extreme caution, reduce the speed so as not to endanger the pedestrian on the crossing or to the pedestrian, and give way to the pedestrian on the crossing or entering the crossing. “- it was written in the act.

As added, pedestrians already at the crossing have priority over any vehicle, and pedestrians who only enter them have priority over any vehicle except for a tram.

The amendment to the regulations includes a provision that when entering or crossing the road or track, including lanes, pedestrians will not be able to use a telephone or other electronic device “in a way that limits the possibility of observing the situation on the road, track or a pedestrian crossing “.

Driving on the bumper

The changes also introduce a ban on driving too close to the next car on highways and expressways, popularly known as bumper driving. The distance between the vehicles is to be not less than half the speed with which the vehicle is traveling. This means that a driver traveling at 100 km / h should drive 50 meters behind the vehicle in front of him.

“When traveling on a motorway and an expressway, the driver is obliged to keep a minimum distance between the vehicle he is driving and the vehicle traveling in front of him in the same lane. This distance, expressed in meters, is defined as not less than half the number representing the speed of the vehicle on which he is moving. driven, expressed in kilometers per hour “- we read in the act. The exception is to be the overtaking maneuver.

Speed ​​unification

The new regulations also unify the permissible speed in built-up areas, reducing it to 50 km / h regardless of the time of day. Currently, during the night hours (23-5 hours), the maximum permissible speed is 60 km / h.

As indicated by the authors of the project, the difference in speed between 50 and 60 km / h is important in terms of the vehicle’s braking distance and the potential effects of road events.

photo-source">Main photo source: Shutterstock

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