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Pay attention to eggs in the preparation of desserts, the secrets for a sure success that not everyone knows

Eggs are an important component in the preparation of desserts, they form the basis for various types of creams that require the right consistency. You have to pay attention to the eggs when cooking and preparing desserts, not everyone knows that the choice of eggs is essential for the success of the dessert.

Pay attention to eggs in the preparation of desserts, the secrets for a sure success that not everyone knows

Not all eggs are the same, you have to be careful with your choice

The first thing to do when buying an egg is to check the expiration date on the package.

Another factor to consider is the dimension some eggs. There are various sizes on the market: extra-large, large, medium and small. Their weight varies from 73 g to 53 g.

In general, medium-sized ones are used in recipes. In reality, the recipes indicate the egg and not its size. But this can be a detail that can compromise the success of the recipe.

Finally, some considerations must be made on the dough. In fact, when the egg is whipped it increases its volume by 5 times and is able to retain, for a short time, the air it has acquired during whipping. This is one of the secrets to making the dolce.

Some useful tips for a perfect yield

Pay attention to eggs in the preparation of desserts, the secrets for a sure success that not everyone knows, here are what they are.

Before adding an egg to the dough, make sure it is fresh by immersing it in a bowl full of water. If the egg goes to the bottom it is fresh, if it tends to float it is advisable not to use it.

The temperature of the eggs for the processing phase must also be considered. A fundamental requirement to make the most of the characteristics of the eggs. Therefore, it is advisable to remove them from the fridge in time and leave them at room temperature before using them for preparation.

Finally, in an albumen in which shell or yolk residues have fallen, the whipping will be complex and difficult. Therefore, be careful, also for reasons of hygiene, not to drop shell residues.

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