Home » today » News » Patient with hospital ban in Enschede has been occupying bed in neighboring hospital for weeks Enschede

Patient with hospital ban in Enschede has been occupying bed in neighboring hospital for weeks Enschede

ALMELO/ ENSCHEDE – A patient who has been treated for treatment has been in hospital in Almelo for three weeks because no organization can be found for aftercare. Employees are annoyed by the situation. The Enschede citizen could not go to the hospital in his hometown because he has an entry ban there.

This unwanted stay of the patient in the hospital ZGT is an extreme example of a general phenomenon. According to a spokesperson, it happens every week that a patient stays longer than strictly necessary because no suitable follow-up can be found.


In mid-July, patient R. was admitted to the hospital ZGT in Almelo. He had wounds from neglect that needed urgent care. A friend had alerted the ambulance for him, it must have been that bad. But R. couldn’t go straight to the hospital.

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