Home » today » Health » Overcome Diabetes Mellitus, Here Are Some Foods That Help Maintain Blood Sugar Levels, Coriander Including

Overcome Diabetes Mellitus, Here Are Some Foods That Help Maintain Blood Sugar Levels, Coriander Including

TRIBUNPALU.COM Diabetes Mellitus or high blood sugar is a disorder that is often experienced by the community.

Often people think that if diabetes mellitus This is caused solely because of heredity.

Launching from the page Tribunnewsit turns out that only 20 percent of heredity is the trigger for diabetes mellitus in a person’s blood.

An unhealthy lifestyle due to eating high-calorie foods, obesity, low fiber and rarely exercising are the causes.

If you have this health disorder, you can apply traditional methods to treat it diabetes mellitus.

In addition to diligent exercise, you can also consume coriander spices.

Launching from the page NDTVCoriander can reduce blood glucose levels in diabetics.

In a study published by the US National Library of Medicine, coriander seeds were effective in controlling insulin release from pancreatic beta cells.

Also read: Overcome Diarrhea and Maintain Intestinal Health With the Help of Coriander, Here’s How

In fact, people who have low blood sugar or are taking diabetes medications should be careful with coriander as it is very effective in lowering blood sugar.

Animal studies have shown that coriander seeds reduce blood sugar by increasing the activity of enzymes that help remove sugar from the blood.

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