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Over six million euros voted on Monday by the Côte-d’Or department

This remote meeting was the first of its kind in the history of the departmental community. For this Standing Committee, 18 other elected officials were present, ten from the departmental majority, seven from the opposition and one unregistered elected representative.

At this meeting, 25 reports were adopted, for a total amount of more than 6.22 million euros.

A partnership with the Dijon CHU for biological diagnostics

Elected officials approved the partnership agreement proposed by the Center Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU) of Dijon for the carrying out of biological diagnostics of coronavirus by the Departmental Laboratory of Côte-d’Or to carry out screening tests. Several regulatory texts published in the Official Journal in early April gave a precise legal framework to allow this mobilization of the departmental laboratory. This technical agreement took effect on April 23.

Possibility of combining the RSA with a job

The Standing Committee has also modified the departmental rules on opportunity decisions in order toextend to all economic sectors in tension the system put in place to allow RSA beneficiaries to combine their allowance with income from work for seasonal picking jobs. To meet the specific needs expressed by companies in the medico-social, home help, agriculture, agrifood, transport, logistics, energy and telecoms, the Department intends to allow beneficiaries of voluntary RSA to respond to seasonal job offers, under conditions that comply with health recommendations.

Modernization of the MuséoParc Alésia

Elected officials also authorized François Sauvadet to request funds from the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region for the modernization of the scenography from the Interpretation Center at the MuséoParc Alésia and for the restoration of Gallo-Roman remains for a total amount of € 2 million.

Finally, the Standing Committee authorized the Chairman of the Departmental Council to sign the agreement to renew the partnership with the Union of public purchasing groups (UGAP) for the period 2020-2024. This partnership provides for commitments totaling 6.8 million euros excluding tax.

In detail, the Department commits to:

  • € 2 million before tax on IT and consumables, € 4 million before tax on vehicles and € 0.8 million before tax on furniture.
  • 1.66 million euros invested in municipalities and territories.
  • Nearly 365,000 euros for integration
  • Almost 745,000 euros for middle school students
  • EUR 1.633 million for environmental protection, energy support and forest management
  • Nearly 64,000 euros for agriculture and rural development
  • Almost 386,000 euros for housing and the fight against substandard housing

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