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Our body supports excess food… when it happens occasionally!

Eat pizza until you can’t swallow a crumb? British men took up the challenge for the Center for Nutrition, Exercise and Metabolism at the University of Bath (UK). Researchers have asked them to eat as many slices of pizza as possible to understand the effects of this type of diet on the body. They realized that the organism is able to adapt to excessive food intake. Their results are presented in British Journal of Nutrition.

The body adapts!

A diet is said to be normal when it allows us to feel full, and maximum when we eat to the point of not being able to swallow anything more. The men recruited for the study were between 22 and 37 years old and in good health. They consumed on average twice as much pizza than what they usually eat to feel full. However, their blood tests show that their body was able to manage this exceptional calorie intake.

More tired volunteers

On average, the volunteers consumed 3000 calories. But their blood sugar level was not higher than after a meal with normal amounts. Insulin, whose role is to control blood sugar levels, was 50% higher than usual. The rate of lipids was slightly higher. The biggest change seen is in hormones in the gut, they help secrete insulin and keep us feeling full. “This shows that if a healthy person binges occasionally, there is no immediate negative effect on the metabolism ”, explain the researchers. However, the experience had consequences on the feelings of the volunteers: 4 hours after the meal, they felt tired or even lethargic. No food made them want, except sweet products.

Harmless excess if they remain occasional

We know that people often eat more than they need, which is why so many of us have trouble controlling our food. weight. It is therefore surprising that no previous study has measured the capacity maximum ingestion to understand the body’s reaction “says James Betts, who oversaw the research. According to him, his results are proof that occasional excess is not dangerous. “The problem with overeating is that it causes us to store more energy, it can cause obesity if we eat too much every day. ” It’s all about balance!

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