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“Ordinary” Cuban assures Díaz-Canel that in Baracoa “there is food”

The reaction of a Cuban woman upon receiving the Cuban leader, Miguel Díaz-Canel, in her municipality, generated great indignation among her compatriots, since the woman not only denied all the needs of the population, but even blamed the people for what she suffers. .

After the Cuban president appeared in the province of Guantánamo this Wednesday, a woman approached to assure that in Baracoa, one of the poorest municipalities in the country, “there is food.”

The woman stated that you only had to work for food, because “you can’t ask so much of the country,” a statement that not only removes responsibility from the regime that maintains an unsustainable economic system, but also puts pressure on citizens as if they were not They will try to earn their own resources.

“This is not the time to get confused, this is the time to move forward, this municipality is a battle. We have history material here, we have food, what we have to work on and not ask so much of the country, and give to the country then, this is a municipality that can be counted on,” said the passionate “revolutionary.”

In this speech, of course, he did not consider the fact that the regime prohibits fishing and the cultivation of food as private individuals because it is considered “hoarding,” and that not even peasants are allowed to consume what they harvest, since they must sell it to the government for a minimum price – although all their inputs to cultivate are paid by themselves.

On social networks, the woman’s statements caused outrage, and for many it became clear that she had been hired by the authorities themselves to speak in favor of Castroism.

Other users, however, believe that, even if this person was paid, there are many Cubans, especially of older ages, who continue to defend the dictatorship and affirm that “they would be worse off” without it, which they considered sad.

“I want to thank you, first, for basking in the sun with how hot it is,” said Díaz-Canel; But the woman interrupted him again: “This is good, the sun is the best there is.”

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