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Opinion iván Castro: Christmas letter

I write this Christmas letter as a reflection of the year lived, but also as a projection of the illusions and goals I expect from 2023. Like every year, 2022 hasn’t stopped being a period of chiaroscuro.

Globally it started with a war that has affected us all, not because it is the only one that the planet suffers, since armed conflicts are unfortunately numerous, perhaps we feel it close because the Russo-Ukrainian war has affected our economic system, and that really worries us a lot.

Climate change has also been incorporated regularly into our daily conversations, we have all brought out the “brother-in-law we carry in” to give explanations and opinions on the high or low temperatures, droughts or rains we have suffered during the different seasons. But I haven’t found any news where it says that 2022 was the year with the highest separate collection activity in homes.

It was a year with record levels of employment, with a lot of tourist and economic activity, but with a new reality of people who, despite working, cannot afford to live, due to galloping inflation, impossible rents, rising general prices , etc. Work to remain at risk of social exclusion.

In my opinion, Rafa Nadal and Roger Federer have offered us one of the most beautiful images of 2022, demonstrating that beyond competition, outdated virility or maximum rivalry, there is a pure and intense emotional relationship between the two of them, showing and expressing their feelings naturally, without being weak.

We close the year with the event of events, the World Cup. Afflicted by irregularities, marked by economic interests, which limit not only the rights of individuals, but also the possibility of being able to express them freely. But of course, regardless of money, football is above all else. As a regression to the average, Spain did not go beyond the round of 16.

I look forward to a year 2023 where I am more concerned about people suffering from conflict than wars causing economic hardship for me. A new year where we understand that there are limits to the exploitation of natural resources, where my home is an increasingly sustainable space. I would like in 2023 where working not only gives a living, but also to be able to indulge in some “dream treat” for the family. A new year where Covid is harmless and we value toilets and public services. As a football fan, I also want a football that doesn’t recycle countries where some people have no rights and that uses its power as a voice to protest against inequalities. Finally, I would like a year where children can express their feelings freely, without anyone telling them that when they do they are weak or that a man can’t cry.

[email protected]

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