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Operation Demon Veil Rainbow Six Siege adds a new Greatest Defender

Today, Ubisoft officially revealed the next client for Rainbow Six Siege. Azami is a new defender to join the list Y7S1 Operation Demonic Veilbringing with them a creative ability that has been in the business for over a year.

Azami’s security work in the private sector helped hone her skills and give her a flair for style, which is why she wears such a shiny suit. Her skill, Kiba Barrier, is a bulletproof surface that can be deployed anywhere on any map.

Two separate chemicals form the kiba barrier on the custom kunai that Azami launches from an arm-mounted launcher. Once the kunai hits the surface, the gases are released and the kippa barrier forms. It’s an appropriately sized circle that allows her to create new defenses or obstacles wherever she feels will be beneficial to her team.

Explosives and explosive devices will destroy Kiba’s Barrier, as well as three combat attacks. If the attacker can get close enough, that is. Azami can use this ability to strengthen weak walls, adding extra protection for other defenders to take advantage of their gadgets or mess with the enemy.

Azami was equipped with a machine gun and an automatic rifle. He is deadly in confined spaces but falls short when it comes to long battles. As such, players are better off using them to protect their surroundings and make attackers act unnaturally, allowing them to be taken out more easily.

These new weapons will be available in Rainbow Six Siege when Operation Demon Veil launches in the coming weeks. Any PC game owner can try it out on the test server to get an idea of ​​how Kiba Barrier can help you.

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