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“operated on the abdomen” / How are you? Admitted to the San Raffaele in Milan

A very special first birthday was that of Vittoria Lucia Ferragni. Pope Fedez he is in fact in hospital due to surgery for an illness that the singer has decided not to reveal at the moment. What is known, as it emerged in the last few hours, is that the artist was operated on the abdomen and is now in the solvents department of the San Raffaele in Milanas reported by Republic. Meanwhile, a wave of affection overwhelmed him via social media: “We are all with you“, he wrote Mara Venier.

Instead Orietta Berti always on Instagram he took the opportunity to wish the little victory but extending his thoughts to the whole family of Fedez e Chiara Ferragni: “Best wishes to little Vittoria and a lot of strength. A hug to all four. with love“. An affection that comes not only from the entertainment world, but also from the many fans that the couple boasts and whose love they can count on right now. (adj. by Silvana Palazzo)


Fedez was operated on. The singer in recent days on Instagram had announced the diagnosis of a disease fortunately “caught in time” and this morning the newspaper “Libero” reported on the front page the indiscretion concerning the surgery undergone yesterday. A few minutes ago the confirmation came on Instagram, where Chiara Ferragni he wished his daughter Vittoria: “Happy first birthday to our Vittoria. We took these photos on Sunday, a few days early, because we knew that Dad would be in the hospital today (but he will be home soon). We love you madly, potato “.
From these few lines it is therefore clear how Fedez really underwent an operation and the next few days will be fundamental to precisely define his clinical picture. According to what “Il Messaggero” reports, the singer, TV presenter and influencer is still awaiting some exam results that will be crucial in establishing the course of care e “In the ward in via Olgettina, to accompany and assist Fedez in the path against the disease, there is also his wife”.


Fedez, in the fight against a disease not better specified by the rapper, would have been operated on at the “San Raffaele” hospital in Milan. This is the indiscretion that stands out today, Wednesday 23 March 2022, on the front page of the newspaper “Libero”, according to which neither the type nor the outcome of the surgery to which the singer would have undergone is known. In the previous days, in fact, the husband of Chiara Ferragni had kept the utmost confidentiality about the pathology that was diagnosed: “I’m not lucid enough to go further, but I’m ready to face this new adventure that life has presented to me”he declared on social media.

Just two days ago, Fedez had announced that “tomorrow (yesterday, ed) it will be an important day“, Adding: I wanted to thank all the people who wrote to me these days sending so much positivity. Thanks to my wife who is always by my side day and night, thanks to my family and friends who have done everything to keep morale high. Thanks to our two stars who manage to create magic without even realizing it: give me the strength to face all this “.


There are therefore no further details about the health conditions of Fedez, who would have been operated on in Milan in the past 24 hours, according to “Libero”, on whose columns there are also some hypotheses about the disease that struck theauthor of numerous musical hits. Seeing his tears, many, starting with the fans, hypothesized that it could be a tumor: the hope of course is that it is something of lesser gravity, but in any case those words spoken by the rapper himself bode well (“Luckily it was caught in time”).

However, it could also be a related health problem demyelination at the brain level, a small lesion to the brain that was found in Fedez three years ago, during an MRI. As “Libero” writes, “It is the damage to the sheath that protects the nerve fibers of the brain. If the sheath repairs itself, the problem is solved; otherwise the nerve fibers are exposed to damage, in this case permanent. This is why, according to some, demyelination in the brain can lead to multiple sclerosis “.


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