Home » today » Business » One of the largest suppliers of gas and electricity in huge trouble. He stopped recruiting clients

One of the largest suppliers of gas and electricity in huge trouble. He stopped recruiting clients

Gone are the days when energy suppliers struggled with customers with ever-increasing discounts. Today, on the contrary, companies tend to discourage clients from moving towards them. Developments in the electricity and gas markets are so rapid that it could easily happen to them that they will have to supply energy to new customers at a price that does not pay off.

The crisis has already affected the great

Until now, it seemed that this was especially the case for smaller and less established suppliers, who were fascinated with energy purchases in various ways, which they did well in good times, but today it is no longer possible to practice. A typical example was Bohemia Energy, which was a rather overgrown supplier of this type, for which it turned out that he did not buy energy for his customers on time and then he was no longer able to implement it at high prices.

At the time, experts pointed to the need to be with larger and more stable suppliers in these times. But as it turns out, the crisis has already hit them. One of the largest gas suppliers, Pražská plynárenská, seems to have run into significant problems. It also sells electricity.

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The vendor of last resort is having trouble

Pražská plynárenská has currently stopped receiving new customers, both in the case of gas and electricity. This is very non-standard for such a large supplier, in which the city of Prague also owns a significant ownership share, and this means that the situation in the company is probably really critical. After all, Pražská plynárenská is, in the case of Prague, basically a synonym for gas suppliers, it has a completely dominant position here. Among other things, they are also suppliers of last resort for gas customers in Prague.

This is not the first sign of major difficulties in the company. Already in March, the city of Pražská plynárenská had to help balance the cash flows with the amount of two billion crowns.

Until then, profitable business is shaking to its foundations due to rising energy prices on world markets. If he didn’t manage his problems, there could be really big tremors. However, Prague would probably have to intervene and subsidize the entire company with a significantly more massive package of money than the current two billion.

Foto: Shutterstock

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