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One dose should have been enough. Now the vaccine manufacturer praises the effects of the latter

The company has reportedly reported its findings to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA), where the need for so-called booster doses has recently been discussed in connection with the spread of a more contagious variant of coronavirus called delta.

J&J researchers say two doses of the vaccine provide 94% effectiveness against both mild and severe covid-19. At one dose, they reported an efficacy of 74 percent. He also claims that the second dose increases the number of antibodies in the blood of vaccinated people several times, which probably leads to better immunization.

“It’s great news,” he told pro The Washington Post William Schaffner, a professor at Vanderbilt University who specializes in infectious diseases and preventive medicine. However, he stressed that the company’s study has yet to go through a review process.

The J&J vaccine was considered essential by many experts in the fight against covid-19, as, unlike other substances approved so far, only one dose is enough for full immunization. In the Czech Republic, for example, it was used, for example, in vaccination centers, where people did not have to register and did not have to come again. However, due to the spread of the delta variant, many governments are now considering launching revaccination.

Last week, the FDA recommended a third dose of Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine to be over 65 years of age or at risk for covid-19 complications. Germany, France and Israel also took a similar step. Revaccination with this substance also started on Monday in selected groups of the population in the Czech Republic.

“People who received the J&J vaccine were a little worried that they had been forgotten with re-vaccination.” he said Professor Schaffner. However, the new study suggests that even those with a “booster” dose of J&J vaccine will occur. US expert Anthony Fauci told the media over the weekend that the FDA will comment on the possibility of revaccination with a substance from J&J and Moderna in the coming weeks.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has repeatedly called on developed countries to postpone booster doses until at least the end of this year and to redirect all available vaccines to Africa, where less than four percent of the population is vaccinated. Researchers at both the WHO and the FDA say that the average person does not need a booster dose at present, and that the vaccines approved so far continue to provide strong enough protection against severe covid-19, hospitalization or death.

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