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Oligui Nguema-Biya: One-on-one in Yaoundé

Libreville, Tuesday December 5, 2023 (Infos Gabon) – The two heads of state meet this Wednesday in the Cameroonian capital. Below is the program of the Gabonese president’s visit to the country of the Indomitable Lions made public this Tuesday by the Cameroonian presidency.

Wednesday December 6, 2023

11 H 00 :
Landing of the special plane at Yaoundé-Nsimalen international airport

– Welcome by the Prime Minister, Head of Government

– Military honors

– Brief stop at the pavilion of honor

– Departure from the pavilion of honor for the Hilton Hotel in Yaoundé

– Arrival at the Hilton Hotel

– Installation

13 H 00 :
Meeting with the Gabonese community at the Hilton Hotel

15 H 00 :
Audience with the Head of State, HE Paul BIYA, at the Unity Palace.

After the audience, departure of the President of the Transition, President of the Gabonese Republic for Yaoundé-Nsimalen international airport; arrival at the airport and takeoff of the special plane.


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