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Ointments to combat joint pain

Humidity and cold exacerbate the discomfort and symptoms of rheumatic diseases. If you face joint pain, natural remedies in the form of ointments, tinctures and teas come to your aid.

Ointment with nettle extract

If you suffer from rheumatism, no matter how much the sting bothers you, you should try the natural treatment with nettles at least once. Beat the swollen wrists with a few nettle leaves. It is said that the stings that occur cause the pain to go away. Among the less painful treatments is the ointment with nettle extract, which you can apply 2-3 times a day. It helps you not only in case of rheumatic pain, but also if you have eczema, ulcers or insect bites.

It would also help you to drink a glass of crushed nettle juice daily or uncooked or to take a teaspoon of nettle root powder (with honey or a little water) 3 times a day, before main meals. From nettle powder can be made a tea as follows: over a teaspoon of plant put 250 ml of boiled water and strain after a quarter of an hour. 3 infusions a day are indicated, also drunk before eating.


Nettle juice stops heavy and painful menstrual bleeding and nasal bleeding.

Thuja cream

In gout, arthritis and rheumatic pain in general, thuja oil, ointment and alcohol have proven their usefulness which:

– acts as a diuretic,

– detoxifies,

– improve blood circulation,

– stimulates the elimination of uric acid stored in the joints.

Find out on clicksanatate.ro what other types of ointments are useful in rheumatism!

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