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OFFICIAL: Esposito coup for Spezia, figures and details for De Rossi’s pupil | Market

My heir? I hope it can be Salvatore Esposito“. Investiture not bad the one that Daniele Di RossiSPAL coach, reserved for his captain a few months ago. The former midfielder had just started his new career and had put the Neapolitan director at the center of his game. An estimate reciprocated and shared, given that there were also several Serie A clubs to appreciate the class of 2000 who grew up at Inter. Spice above all, who decided to make a important investment to immediately bring Esposito into the team, the deal is official and it was announced by the Ligurian club through its own channels.

THE FIGURES – Esposito lands in Liguria for 3.5 million euros plus bonusesa figure that convinced SPAL to let him leave after some initial reluctance. Sampdoria and Cremonese, among others, were also on the player, but President Platek’s team was the most tenacious and in the end an agreement was found.

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