City of Buenos Aires, 08/24/2021

HAVING SEEN the Constitution of the Argentine Nation, the Law of Ministries (to 1992) and its amendments, Laws No. 26,061 of Comprehensive Protection of the Rights of Girls, Boys and Adolescents, and No. 26,206 of National Education; Ministerial Resolution No. 2316/21, Electronic File No. EX-2021-68153000- -APN-SEEIE # ME, and


That this Ministry plans its policies and implements actions, understanding education as a fundamental and social human right, with respect to which the State is responsible for guaranteeing it,

That the SECRETARIAT OF EVALUATION AND EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION is the unit of the MINISTRY OF EDUCATION in charge of the production of information and knowledge about education in the ARGENTINE REPUBLIC, and develops, analyzes and disseminates information on different aspects of the national educational system in order to bring closer data and analysis that contribute to planning, decision-making and the process of designing policies and actions at the various state levels.

That in order to guarantee the availability of studies on the fulfillment of the right to education in the ARGENTINE REPUBLIC, the OBSERVATORY OF THE RIGHT TO EDUCATION (ODE) Ministerial Resolution has been created under the orbit of the SECRETARIAT OF EVALUATION AND EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION No. 2316/21.

That, as established in Article 1 of the Resolution that creates the OBSERVATORY OF THE RIGHT TO EDUCATION (ODE), among its main objectives is the monitoring of the right to education in its different dimensions and the conduct of follow-up studies that allow the identification of advances and obstacles in relation to the fulfillment of this right, through public calls to institutions specialized in social research.

That there is a significant number of experts and centers specialized in social research in general and educational research in particular, who can carry out technical reports and analyzes on the subject throughout the territory, with the depth and complexity that this requires.

That, the work with various nuclei and scientific institutions will strengthen, throughout the country, teams specialized in research and the production of information on the right to education, as well as promoting a renewed development of conceptualizations and analyzes on the subject that contribute to the public debate necessary for the democratization of education.

That, within this framework, the holding of public calls for the presentation and selection of proposals and teams is the most appropriate and transparent mechanism for the realization of this work objective.

That the GENERAL DIRECTORATE OF LEGAL AFFAIRS has taken the intervention that corresponds to it.

That this measure is issued in use of the powers granted by the Law of Ministries (to 1992) and its amendments.




ARTICLE 1.- Create the line of work “ODE Calls”, consisting of holding public tenders aimed at higher education and the scientific system, for the development of research projects, technical reports and specialized studies on compliance with the right to The education.

ARTICLE 2.- Provide that these calls will be developed by the OBSERVATORY OF THE RIGHT TO EDUCATION (ODE) of the SECRETARIAT OF EVALUATION AND EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION, by itself or in alliance with other dependencies of this Ministry or other national and international organizations.

ARTICLE 3.- Approve the “General Regulations” that will regulate the ODE Calls and that as ANNEX I (IF-2021-69738896-APN-SEEIE # ME), forms part of this Resolution.

ARTICLE 4.- To entrust to the OBSERVATORY OF THE RIGHT TO EDUCATION (ODE), the issues related to the public competitions provided for in Article 1 of this Resolution.

ARTICLE 5.- Communicate, publish, wish to the NATIONAL ADDRESS OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRY and, once completed, file.

Nicolas A. Trotta

NOTE: The Annex / s that make up this Resolution are published on the BORA web edition -www.boletinoficial.gob.ar-

e. 27/08/2021 N ° 60943/21 v. 27/08/2021

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