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Nutritionist Solomatina explained the danger of vitamin D deficiency in the body

Muscovites suffer from a lack of vitamin D. The fact is that it is produced under the influence of the sun, and this winter does not spoil it. Most of all children need it. A lack of vitamin D may decrease their academic performance. How to be

During the three winter months, according to long-term observations of meteorologists, in Moscow on average 21 sunny days. A lot! But the trouble is – the climate has changed before our eyes.

“The capital in recent winters, and this one especially, is increasingly located in the area of ​​cyclones,” says Tatyana Pozdnyakova, chief specialist of the Moscow Weather Bureau. – And this means that it is warm, but at the same time cloudy weather. People do not see the sun for weeks!

As a result, Muscovites are sorely lacking in vitamin D. Children and adolescents are especially affected by its deficiency, whose body, firstly, is only developing, and secondly, it is experiencing very decent workloads at school. This vitamin is vital for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, as well as the normal functioning of the whole organism.

What gives the teenager an adequate level of “solar” vitamin?

– First of all, stable immunity. Those who have reduced vitamin D are much more likely to get colds, especially in winter and spring, during the epidemic season, ”says nutritionist Elena Solomatina.

Also, according to the expert, vitamin D improves all cognitive functions, including memory, concentration and attention. It also gives strength to training after school and accelerates recovery after physical exertion.

Also, according to the latest scientists, the “sunny” vitamin protects against diabetes. In any case, the risks of developing type 1 diabetes are 8.5 times (!) Higher precisely in children with vitamin D deficiency. And even without it, calcium is not properly absorbed, which ensures the strengthening of the bones of the whole body.

Where to get an element so important for maintaining health? According to Elena Solomatina, the second most important source of vitamin D after the sun is any oily sea fish. Even better is cod liver. In the diet of adults, both are present more or less regularly. Children, as a rule, are ready to eat anything but fish. So it turns out that our teenagers are practically deprived of vitamin D: it does not reach them either through the skin or through the stomach.

– To make up for the lack of this substance, I would recommend taking the good old fish oil. For example, in capsules, says Elena Solomatina. – The fact is that fish oil is the best food source of vitamin D. And at the same time omega fats, which also take an active part in the work of the brain.

Once in the body with food, omega-3 fatty acids quickly integrate into cell membranes. This increases their efficiency: cell activation occurs, nutrition and metabolic processes improve. This is especially important for the work of the heart and brain, which are always under heavy load. People who have enough omega-3 fatty acids in their bodies do not suffer from depression even now – in the darkest and coldest time of the year.


Alexander Myasnikov, chief physician of the Moscow State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “M. Zhadkevich City Clinical Hospital”:

– You should not thoughtlessly buy vitamin D medications if you are not sick and the doctor has not prescribed them to you. To make up for vitamin D deficiency, eat more foods like milk, fish, and eggs. Very good fish oil. In it, nature laid the bioavailable form of vitamin D in quantities sufficient to maintain an adequate level in the body. In general, you need to understand that it is better to get all the products necessary for the body not from synthetic medicines, but from natural products created by nature, like the same fish oil.


The international name for fish oil is Cod Liver Fish Oil. Modern pharmacists produce this product in capsules with the addition of the necessary vitamins. A useful product used in medicine is obtained from the fillet or liver of fish living in the cold waters of the oceans.

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