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NUSABALI.com – HEALTH: protect your lungs

An unhealthy lifestyle such as smoking can increase a person’s risk of developing pneumonia.

Physician in Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine at RSUI Dr. Dr Raden Rara Diah Handayani SpP (K), said drinking alcohol and working in places easily exposed to smoke, gases and hazardous chemicals also put people at risk to develop this disease.

“Everyone runs the risk of contracting pneumonia and this risk increases in children under the age of two and in the elderly over the age of 65,” he said as quoted by Antaranews, Saturday (12/11/2022).

Diah advised people to use masks when outdoors, not to add pollutants, especially smoke, and to maintain a stable immune system to prevent pneumonia.

In fact, besides lifestyle, there are several things that can increase a person’s risk of getting pneumonia, namely having a history of previous illnesses such as chronic diseases such as COPD, asthma, heart failure, and conditions that increase the risk aspiration of mucus from the mouth and nose and diseases that can weaken the body’s immune system.

Pneumonia is a lung infection that can cause mild to severe illness at any age. This disease can be caused by various types of germs such as bacteria, viruses and fungi.

However, the main cause of pneumonia is the S. pneumoniae bacteria and 20-25% of cases are caused by these bacteria.

“Bouts of pneumonia cause the air sacs in the lungs (alveoli) to fill with fluid or pus, making it difficult for sufferers to breathe,” Diah said.

The resulting symptoms include shortness of breath, cough, phlegm which may be greenish in colour, fever, sweating and chills, loss of appetite, chest pain and short, fast breathing. The spread of pneumonia through fluids when the patient coughs or sneezes and can affect anyone from children to adults.

Maintain hand hygiene

The infection can be very dangerous to lung health, especially for the elderly (elderly). Those who already have lung disease are also at great risk of infection. The best way to avoid lung infections is to keep your hands clean. Wash your hands regularly with warm soapy water and avoid touching your face. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water and consume fruits and vegetables to boost immunity.

Deep breathing can help clear the lungs and create a complete exchange of oxygen. In a study published in the Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, there was a significant increase in vital capacity after 2 and 5 minutes of deep breathing exercises. Therefore, the researchers quoted by kompas.com concluded that deep breathing, even for just a few minutes, is beneficial to lung health.

Cleaning the lungs is not impossible. This method can actually help improve lung health. One of them is the consumption of lung cleansing foods. This will help open up the airways, increase lung capacity and reduce inflammation.
1. Green tea.
The first food for lung cleansing is green tea. Citing Medical News Today, green tea contains many antioxidant compounds that help reduce inflammation in the lungs. A 2018 study found that people who drank at least two cups of green tea a day had better lung function than those who never drank green tea.

2. Garlic
Citing NDTV, the anti-inflammatory properties and high levels of allicin in garlic may help fight infection and reduce inflammation in the lungs. Not only that, garlic is also considered to be an effective drug in treating asthma and reducing the risk of lung cancer.

3. Appeal
It’s no secret, apples are rich in various nutrients. The content of flavonoids and various other vitamins helps maintain a healthy respiratory system. Apples are one of the foods often recommended by nutritionists to help overcome lung problems.

4. Ginger
Just like garlic, ginger’s anti-inflammatory properties can help cleanse your lungs naturally. Add it to a cup of tea in the morning. Mix with lemon and honey. This mixture is useful for removing toxins from the respiratory tract.

5. Red beans
Kidney beans along with many other types of beans such as lentils, soybeans and peas are foods that raise hemoglobin levels. Hemoglobin is needed to optimize the ability to carry oxygen from the lungs throughout the body. Not only that, hemoglobin can also stimulate internal processes that return carbon dioxide to the lungs to be removed from the body.

6. Bit
The bright color of beets contains compounds that can optimize lung function. Citing Healthline, beets and other nitrate-rich fruits or vegetables are beneficial for the lungs. Nitrates help optimize oxygen uptake.

7. Turmeric
Turmeric may be a food that impacts your overall health, including your lungs. As a lung cleansing food, turmeric helps reduce inflammation caused by respiratory problems. Quoting the Times of India, the active compounds in turmeric help cleanse the lungs naturally. *

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