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Núñez Feijoó, the same music as Casado – The devil carries them

9 julio, 20228 julio, 2022

The former president of the PP, Pablo Casado (c), Alberto Núñez Feijóo (i), at the XX Extraordinary Congress of the PP, on April 1, 2022, in Seville, Andalusia (Spain). EUROPE PRESS

As for nonsense and unscrupulous intrepidity (how I like to use that expression!), to Núñez Feijoó no one wins. We will pass over here, at least today, the many times that, in just three months, the new lighthouse of the PP he has reminded us of his countryman M. Rajoy and his famous incomprehensible circumlocutions, to better focus on some of the many barbarities that the former president of the Xunta de Galicia releases every time he opens his mouth.

We’re not talking about symptoms anymorehe said in the Congress of Deputies at the beginning of the week, we are talking about clear facts what We headed even more intensely a deep economic crisis while the government denies the evidence and looks the other way just like the socialist government did in 2007“.

Releasing an outrage like this, also expressed with a lousy syntax, is not typical of someone who leads the main opposition party. First, because there is no evidence that there will be a “deep economic crisis” and secondly because practicing alarmism by announcing a catastrophe is, in his case, truly irresponsible. More so if we take into account that, if it were to occur, it would not be precisely the fault of the government but rather an international situation whose outcome no one is capable of predicting.

All he needed was to open a bottle of cava, stand up and toast with his co-religionists so that this “deep economic crisis” arrive as soon as possible. How does all this sound to me? His predecessors, desperate to come to power no matter what, already dedicated themselves in their day to poisoning the environment like now and rowing against everything possible to hasten the fall of the government they wanted to overthrow. “It doesn’t matter if everything is a mess, they proclaimed, We will fix it ourselves when we come to power”. The worse the better the usual chant. This new Galician was not going to be less, an outstanding disciple of the tancredismo that gave such good fruits to his admired Mariano.

The media thugs who eat Núñez Feijoó in the hand have lacked time to go further than him and, as “foolish without scruples” (sorry for repeating the plagiarism, but it’s so evocative…) like his beloved guide , they are already announcing with great fanfare the imminent arrival of the Apocalypse, of crying and gnashing of teeth… They have even pronounced without any shyness the term “recession” that Feijoó did not dare to use even though he wanted it: “RECESSION, come soon we need you”. As the reader no doubt knows, for a country to be said to be in recession, growth must be negative for two consecutive semesters. It doesn’t matter to them more wood, which is war!

But look where, all the large specialized organizations, both national and international, continue to forecast growth for this year in Spain above four percent. Even the president of the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility, Christina Smith, she is not suspected of being pro-government, has bluntly denied that, with the data in hand, the possibility of a recession can be contemplated. Even Luis de Guindos declared in Brussels a few days ago that “This is not the time to talk about a recession.”. And the popular rising star Juanma Moreno He has acknowledged in public that those he consults do not talk about a recession and that he trusts that the crisis will last a year and a half at most. The hair of the acting Andalusian president just falls out because, as we know, the “very deep crisis” Feijóo said it in front of the parliamentary representatives of his party. And like any boss, he should not like too much that his people take him to the contrary, much less that they leave him in evidence.

Is this the path that the new right-wing messiah promised when he came to office? Is this the new style at number 13 on Calle Génova in Madrid, the new path announced by the PP? All that remains is for him to emulate the ousted Casado and proclaim, as he did just a few months ago, that Spain “is heading for bankruptcy and we are doomed to rescue”, the same music.

This Thursday in Barcelona, ​​after knowing the scandalous content of the conversations between Villarejo y Maria Dolores de Cospedal plotting against We can, beans has limited himself to play down the importance of the matter saying that of course, that “It’s a matter of ten or eight years ago” and that “Whenever the PP does well in the polls “something comes out against” the party”.

Long live renewal, long live moderation, long live constructive opposition in times of crisis! It is true that few things change from one day to the next and that everything is doomed to repeat itself, but… so much? So fast?


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