Home » today » Entertainment » Now you can go on holiday to New York again. But do not think that everything is as before.

Now you can go on holiday to New York again. But do not think that everything is as before.

From 8 November, Norwegian tourists will be able to travel to New York after 20 months with closed borders. There is another city that meets travelers now.

Norwegian soprano Lise Davidsen sings three roles at the Metropolitan Opera this season. From November, she can hope to see Europeans in the hall as well.

– Yes, there! It is fun. But real laughter, not opera laughter!

The director’s voice is heard over the speakers at the Metropolitan Opera. On stage, bandaged singers practice dancing around in a circle. A fanfare from the orchestra pit makes everyone turn around. A woman in a long, white skirt and blue bandage steps across the stage floor towards a flower-decorated throne.

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