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Now the Schlieremer Schützenhaus is being demolished after all


Now the Schützenhaus is being demolished after all

The city council wants to dismantle the more than 50-year-old building and set up a recreation area for nature and people in its place.

The city council has decided: The Schützenhaus Im Horgen on the Schlieremer Berg has to go.

Rachel Metzler/Archive

Parliamentarian Dominik Ritzmann (Greens) does not have to wait much longer. In a postulate, he demanded that the Schlieremer Schützenhaus Im Horgen, which had not been used by the riflemen for years, be demolished and a recreation area for nature and the population set up in its place.

Parliament had written off his postulate in September 2019. The city council initially wanted to wait until a detailed concept for the upgrading of the entire Schlieremer Berg was available. Ritzmann agreed because the city council had promised him that demolition could take place from 2022.

First, the city must address the asbestos problem

It’s now 2022 and demolition is imminent: the city council has just decided to dismantle the house and approved a loan of CHF 210,000 for it. Part of the investment has already been included in the 2022 budget.

First, however, materials containing asbestos must be professionally remediated, as stated in the decision. The more than 50-year-old building at Alter Zürichweg 50 can then be demolished and the area rehabilitated. (read)

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