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“nothing to hide, I am transparent” in asset declaration

I have nothing to hide, I am transparent“, responded the candidate of let’s keep going Doing History, Alejandro Herds Seafaced with the challenge of his closest opponent Eduardo Rivera Pérez of Better Course by Pueblato present your assets declaration.

In a mocking tone, he commented that if the PAN member knows how to use the internet, he can search for the information that already exists on the National Transparency Platform (PNT) about his assets.

“The truth is, why am I answering the gentleman, if I believe that he knows how to use the internet, and that he investigates how my assets declaration is,” he said after Rivera presented his 5 of 5including your non-criminal background letter and your medical and toxicological certificate.

What Herds answered with the presumption that Rivera indebted the municipality of Puebla and that it did business with the privatization of water, in reference to the concession of Agua of Puebla which has operated since 2014 by authorization of the local Congress where legislators from Morena They have not resolved the cancellation of the 30-year contract.

“I did not manage 6 billion pesos in 3 years, nor did I put the municipality into debt, nor did I do the water privatization business; so, I have no problem, there is transparency in the management of my resources, I have what I have earned throughout my life and I live in Estrellas del Sur,” said the flag bearer of MorenaPTPVEMHoneycomb y Force by Mexico.

No me I will excuse con Riestra for his “mounting

Besides, Alejandro Herds He ruled out that he was going to offer an apology to the mayoral candidate, Mario Riestra Piñafor questioning his complaint for alleged death threats.

He even ironized that he was waiting for the minister’s apology. Norma Piñawho sent him text messages to intimidate him when he was in the Senate of the Republic.

What excuse are you going to apologize for the montage you made of an attack? They are so desperate that they are in the montage, slander and defamation phase.

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