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Nothing sounds louder than silence: Armani supports Ukraine with striking fashion show | Nina

“I chose not to use music on the show as a sign of respect for all people involved in the tragedy currently unfolding in Ukraine.” With those words, Giorgio Armani (87) opened the presentation of his autumn-winter collection at Fashion Week in Milan. The only sounds that could be heard afterwards during the show were the footsteps of the models and the applause from the audience.

Music is an important element in fashion shows, which designers have traditionally used to convey a certain atmosphere and emotion in their creations. But Armani proved Sunday that silence can be louder than any music. There are many positive reactions to the designer’s statement on social media. “Very well done, Mr. Armani! The world cannot remain indifferent to what is happening in Ukraine,” reads one of the comments below the post. “Thank you for the support,” replied someone else.

Armani is therefore the first fashion house at the Fashion Week in Milan to use its show to Russian invasion of Ukraine to condemn. “What could I do? I didn’t want show music. The best thing is to send a signal that we are not happy and to acknowledge that something disturbing is happening,” the designer told Vogue afterwards.

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