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Not only increases, now comes the “war tax”: to whom we will pay it

There are reports of a new “war tax”, as if the existing ones weren’t enough. Who will we pay it to? Here is the news.

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Who thinks i increases in bills they are only harming the citizens, it is not even remotely imagining how much suffering they are businesses. The bills skyrocketed, as did the cost prohibitive gods fuels, is putting a strain on every sector. Self let’s add it all upthen, ai damage already suffered for Covidthe picture really becomes worrying.

Let’s not forget that many activitiescome bars, restaurants and hotelsthey already have lost a lot of revenue. First because of the closures and then because of the lower income for the “no access” to the unvaccinated. Who, in order not to give in to “blackmail”, have preferred to stop going to breakfast, to the cinema, to dinner out or to take a vacation. And therefore to indirectly “help” companies to get up after the disastrous year 2021.

But there’s nothing to do, turn around, turn around, the money has to come out somewhere. And whoever demands them has – it must be admitted – an unbridled imagination. In fact, it seems that she is ready a new tax to pay. And who will it fall on? On citizens, of course. Here’s what it is.

The “war tax”, otherwise called …

… “energy surcharge“. We are talking about an “extra” that we will most likely have to pay in accommodation facilities. Literally, the name given to this tax means “energy overload“. So interested in the rincari energetic that – due to the war but not only that – they have hit companies.

Someone trade associations in the hotel & co sector are thinking about how to deal with the “expensive energy”, right now that – with reopenings – will have to support. Regardless of the number of guests present, of course. there l’ideatherefore, of apply this “tax”or “extra” or whatever you prefer, in addition to the stay / drink rateAnd. A bit like the “tourist tax”, so to speak.

The declarations of Federalberghi

Precisely in this sense, as they state the local sections of FederalberghiIt would be one temporary increase – – through which a transparent and comparable offer could be made to customers, without entering new increases on the basic prices of the service”.

The proposal was obviously met with enthusiasm gives many realities of the tourism and hospitality sector, and the voices of entrepreneurs leave no room for doubt: “The hotel world struggles to find solutions, but other realities have already adopted these measures. For example, some short-term rental properties have already introduced this increase to the prices of the stay”.

Now, regardless of the amount that may come out from this new burden, it comes from reflect on a couple of issues. The increases are hurting everyone, and it is incontrovertible. But at the moment, apart from a few “patches” scattered here and there, they are not seen significant interventions at the political level. Whoever does it yourself is for you, say a saying. And everyone, understandably, is trying to pull water to his mill. In this case to enlighten it, it is necessary to specify. But we citizenson whom we will ever be able to “download” i higher costs that are literally there dissanguando? Proposals are accepted.

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