Home » today » Entertainment » Not just Scurati, Nadia Terranova censored for a text about students: “I’m very shocked”

Not just Scurati, Nadia Terranova censored for a text about students: “I’m very shocked”

Responds from Sicily, Nadia Terranova. “I’m in the car, I’m going to give a presentation at a school. At the moment I don’t feel like talking, I’m quite shaken. And I don’t want to make it a personal issue, I don’t care.”

Meloni government: news and insights

In an interview with Manifestoin the last few hours, the writer revealed a precedent of Scurati case which concerned her personally: last March, on the occasion of the police charges against students in Pisa for the pro-Palestine marchhad written a text for the same broadcast, What will be conducted by Serena Bortone are Rai three, now at the center of the news. The text was never broadcast.

“The editorial staff had invited me to write a monologue, which I should have read myself – explained Terranova – I did, but the text was not deemed suitable for the episode”. She says she was “surprised when I was asked to change my monologue.” To the amazement (“It seems to me that a form of self-censorship is almost expected”, reflects the writer) there must have been added, in these hours, an increasingly strong bewilderment and perhaps a fear, after what is happening to my colleague Antonio Scurati , who ended up at the center of a media case after his participation in “What will be” with a text on April 25th was canceled at the last moment.

The host of the show, Serena Bortone then read Scurati’s text on air. Taking part in our Repubblica delle Idee festival in Naples over the weekend, Antonio Scurati declared that he felt “a target”, after being quoted by Giorgia Meloni in a tweet, and added that he had already received threats and intimidating acts in the past.

In the issue of K magazine which comes out on April 26th, in an editorial entitled Nobody wants power, this is what Nadia Terranova writes: “As for me, precisely in the weeks in which I received the stories for K, I had one: a television program called me inviting me to write and perform a monologue, but after sending the text I was contacted by the editorial team who informed me that I would have to modify it according to precise instructions. I refused. It was a text about power. Against power. I gave up on the episode, and kept the original text which then went on to other destinations. We are always gears, but we can almost always escape: the almost opens one space and closes another. This time I was in an open space. A space from which I was prevented from marching on the heads of sovereigns from a stage, and I took another one, or rather I built it on purpose – transforming that prohibition without too much chatter, with a disappearance and an explosion, into meaning of another story”.

#Scurati #Nadia #Terranova #censored #text #students #shocked
– 2024-04-22 23:09:13

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