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Nordland Hospital postpones operations as a result of the SAS strike

Operations at Nordland Hospital are postponed as a result of the SAS strike. The hospital is already on yellow alert due to a challenging staffing situation.

– The ongoing strike has led to further challenges, and we have therefore had to reduce some elective operations, both in operations and outpatient clinics, says acting HR manager Kari Brumoen Råstad at Nordland Hospital to NRK.

Elective operation means planned treatment, as opposed to acute operations.
The state administrator in Troms and Finnmark, Helse nord, the county doctor and the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision have a meeting on Monday afternoon about the consequences of the SAS strike for the health service.

In connection with the strike, there have been several cases where visiting substitutes are not allowed to get to work, Råstad states.

– In addition, several of our employees have experienced problems getting home from vacation, but this has not meant that we have had to change the time of vacation for other employees, she says to the channel.


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