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Nobel Mario Vargas Llosa discharged from hospital

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Madrid (AFP) – The Spanish-Peruvian Nobel Prize for Literature Mario Vargas Llosa, 86, has “defeated Covid-19” and will be discharged from the Madrid hospital where he was admitted last week, his son announced on Monday.

The writer “has defeated Covid-19. Now the recovery will continue at home”, rejoiced Álvaro Vargas Llosa on Twitter by posting a photo showing him with his brother and sister alongside their father.

“Thank you to life-saving science and medical personnel for their dedication. We will always be grateful to you,” he added.

Mario Vargas Llosa was hospitalized last week in Madrid, where he lives, due to complications caused by Covid-19.

Nobel Prize for Literature in 2010, Vargas Llosa is the last representative of the generation of Latin American writers known as the “Boom” to which also belonged the Colombian Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the Argentinian Julio Cortazar or the Mexican Carlos Fuentes.

Admired for his description of social realities but criticized by South American intellectual circles for his conservative positions, Vargas Llosa, translated into thirty languages, was the first foreign writer to enter during his lifetime in the prestigious French collection of the Pléiade. in 2016, the year of his 80th birthday.

Francophile, the author of “The city and the dogs” or “The party with the goat” was elected in December to the French Academy.

The Peruvian author, naturalized Spanish in 1993, had just presented his latest work in early April, “The Calm Gaze (by Pérez Galdos)”, an essay on the Spanish writer Benito Pérez Galdos (1843-1920).

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