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No, sweating a lot during exercise does not mean that you will lose weight in less time


When returning to physical exercise After a prolonged period of inactivity, one of the questions that may arise is whether everything you sweat is somehow embodied in the amount of fat you lose. Or, directly, that The effort has been worth it and you have been subjected to great physical exhaustion. But, in reality, you are a misperception, according to various investigations.

Sometimes it can also happen that you notice that you sweat less the more sport you do because the feeling of physical resistance increases. In any case, to resolve all these doubts, the magazine ‘Business Insider’ has compiled a series of academic studies and the opinion of various experts on the subject that we will see below.

If your body has adapted to exercise, it will become able to regulate body temperature and will start to sweat sooner.

For the scientist specializing in sweating Lindsay Bakerfrom the Gatorade Sports Science Institute, the amount of sweat you expel has no relation to whether the target was effective or not. His research suggests that the more an athlete exercises, the more especially performing aerobic activities such as running or swimming, more sweat tends to expel. Of course, the more effort you make, the more heat the body generates, which causes the body to sweat.

Sweat, after all, is the mechanism that the body generates to cool itself. When you begin to feel hot, whether by exercising or under other circumstances, your sweat glands produce droplets that are expelled through your pores. As the water evaporates in contact with the air, the body temperature stabilizes, returning to equilibrium.

Why is sweating more or less? There are various factors, including genetics, gender, or weight. And of course, habits and lifestyles. People with more body mass, as is well known, tend to sweat much more, since it takes more effort to move a body with more weight than one of smaller size. Another major factor is environmental conditions, since the temperature and degree of humidity of the air they also determine how quickly sweat evaporates.

If you are worried because you think you are sweating more than you should or is considered normal, do not despair. Baker found after researching many athletes that a body usually expels little more than a liter of sweat per hour while you are being subjected to a demanding physical activity, but it is an amount that can vary greatly.

Those who sweat the most are endurance runners, as opposed to those who opt for shorter but more intense exercises

People who tend to sweat more tend to be more unaccustomed to physical exercise, since in the end the body adapts to physical effort. Also, the more physical resistance you have, the less you will sweat, since the organism always tries to anticipate a workout as soon as it begins to warm up. Then you will start to sweat to cool down.

“If you have adapted your body to regular exercise, it will become more capable of regulating its body temperature and will start to sweat sooner and more so that it can dissipate heat and keep the temperature in balance “explains the expert. “Well-trained athletes can alson maintain higher levels of intensity during their workouts, which will also cause them to sweat more, “Baker reasons.” Those who sweat the most are endurance runners, while those who opt for shorter but more intense exercises will not.


The danger of sweating too much is the risk of dehydration. When you perspire, the body loses fluids and electrolytes that you later need to replace. The easiest way to control hydration is through urine. If it’s dark in color or very rare, you may not be drinking enough water. Therefore, remember that before and after exercise, even during, you must hydrate. Above all, it is especially important if you do not have a lot of weight, since you need more fluids to replace the lost amount.

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