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No more ruts: roads can withstand heavy trucks

The novelty was presented on Wednesday by Skanska at the completed rest stop of the D52 motorway near Rajhrad in the Brno region. “Whitetopping technology reduces the deterioration of the surface by heavy cars and prevents the formation of so-called tracks and blinds. With the support of the investor of the construction, the Directorate of Roads and Motorways is used here for the first time in the Czech Republic, “said Petra Havrlantová from Skanska.

They invented their asphalt

“This is the way in which the lower asphalt layers of the road are interconnected with the upper concrete slab, so that their different properties are ideally combined,” described the principle of Bohuslav Slánský from Skanska, adding that the concrete is made on a special recipe and is partially milled original road surface.

The technology originates in the USA. In our country, a two-year trial operation awaits it, on the basis of which a decision on further use will be made.

On the same rest, the builders rehearsed their own, newly developed asphalt surface. The Resiskan mixture was also created in cooperation with the Czech Technical University in Prague and the Brno University of Technology. The road should ensure resistance to heavy traffic loads and at the same time resist the formation of cracks at low temperatures.

“We used it on the rest area, where we will monitor for at least five years how it withstands the static load of trucks and the load during parking maneuvers. Another place where we count on trial use is on the D1 motorway near Ivanovice na Hané, where we will check it in normal operation, “said technology manager Zdeněk Hegr.

Surfaces made of new materials and technologies are to withstand the onslaught of cars that form ruts on the roads. These are not only unpleasant for drivers, they also hide a potential threat.

Sections where long belts full of water are formed during rains are no exception. Driving on such a road can end in aquaplaning. This is a situation where the wheels are not enough to push the water to the side. It gets between the tire and the road and the car becomes unmanageable.

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