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Nine companies interested in the modernization of the Huancayo – Huancavelica Railway

This project, promoted by PROINVERSIÓN on behalf of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MTC), will be concessioned for 30 years, to provide transportation service to the population, meeting international quality standards for the benefit of more than 1.2 million people in Junín. (Huancayo) and Huancavelica. Reference Photo.

The Private Investment Promotion Agency (PROINVERSIÓN) announced that the international bidding process for the modernization project of the Huancayo – Huancavelica Railway has nine (9) interested companies that have purchased participation rights.

The interested companies are of local origin (Peru), Latin America, Europe and Asia, and include railway project operators, construction companies and rolling stock suppliers.

“Of the nine (9) interested companies, three (3) consortia have been formed that have expressed their firm interest in participating in the international public tender that PROINVERSIÓN has been developing,” said PROINVERSIÓN’s project director, Gian Carlos Silva.

The deadline for interested companies to submit their prequalification documents (Envelope No. 1) is February 29, 2024; after which the final list of prequalified companies and/or consortia that will be eligible to present their technical (Envelope No. 2) and economic (Envelope No. 3) proposals will be announced.

Companies interested in prequalifying as bidders must meet at least, among others, the following requirements: 10 years of experience within the last 20 years in construction or rehabilitation of road infrastructure works for rail transport or highways (a minimum length of 100 km of track); through the operator or the technical advisor in operation, experience in the operation of a railway transportation system that transports at least 300,000 passengers per year and has a length of no less than 100 kilometers; a minimum net worth of US$ 61,330,000.00 at the end of the last two (2) audited annual financial years; present legalized copies of the bidder’s founding document; not be sanctioned by the Peruvian State; among other requirements.

“We are currently in the final stage of approving the Final Version of the Concession Contract (VFC). The award is scheduled for the first half of 2024 (April),” highlighted Gian Carlos Silva. He specified that the reference investment amount, including the variability margin, amounts to US$394 million, given the level of maturity of the project’s technical information.


The Huancayo-Huancavelica Railway has been in operation since October 1926. It has 128.7 kilometers of route, seven (7) stations, 20 stops, 15 bridges and 38 tunnels, which will be modernized. With the project, the Huancayo – Huancavelica Railway (also known as the Macho Train) will have a renovated infrastructure, with new rolling stock and a signaling and control system, which will guarantee a safe, efficient and comfortable transportation system for users; and seven (7) daily circulations in each direction.

A new repair and maintenance workshop will also be built, as well as a drainage system, the slopes will be protected and stabilized, and more importantly, the railway superstructure will be renewed.

To guarantee that the current social rates are maintained, the MTC (granting sector of the project) will be in charge of setting these, allowing more users to benefit from modern transportation.

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– 2024-05-10 01:22:50

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