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Nicaragua Eliminates Vaccination Card and PCR Test Requirements for Travellers Entering the Country – Ministry of Health Announcement

Tegucigalpa, Jul 22 (EFE).- The Government of Nicaragua, through the Ministry of Health, reported this Saturday that it has eliminated the requirements to present the vaccination card against covid-19 and the negative PCR test for travelers entering the country.

“The Ministry of Health, in the context of covid-19 surveillance at a global and national level, has decided to annul the requirements that correspond to presenting the vaccination card against covid-19 or a negative PCR-RT result to travelers entering the country,” according to a resolution from the Health portfolio.

The resolution, signed by the Nicaraguan Minister of Health, Martha Verónica Reyes, and in force as of this Saturday, explains that they have taken into consideration the declaration provided by the WHO, in relation to covid-19, “given that it no longer constitutes an emergency situation at the international level”, to eliminate these requirements.

In addition, they were suppressed “with a view to strengthening national epidemiological control,” he added.


In mid-June 2022, Nicaragua had already eliminated the negative covid-19 test carried out in the last 72 hours to enter the country, and only requested the full vaccination schedule against this disease from 3 years of age.

The only travelers who were required to present the covid-19 PCR-RT test are those who did not have a complete vaccination schedule.

“Anyone who enters the country does not need to present any requirement related to covid-19, but it is also important to make it known that the yellow fever requirements are maintained,” said Minister Reyes, when reading the resolution.

“If we travel to endemic countries we have to be vaccinated against yellow fever and if you enter the country you must also bring your yellow fever vaccine card where the application is not less than 10 days,” he said.

Likewise, the official said that “the temperature will continue to be taken at all points of entry, because this is a requirement of our surveillance at the national and international level, established for the timely detection of any risk situation.”

Until last Tuesday, Nicaragua accumulated 245 deaths and more than 20,000 confirmed cases of covid-19, since March 2020, when the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which causes the disease, was located in the country, according to the Ministry of Health.

2023-07-22 22:16:12
#Nicaragua #eliminates #vaccine #requirements #covid19 #PCR #test #travelers

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