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news coming for the new model

MINI is ready to surprise everyone and to redo the look 22 years after the debut of the first historic four-wheeler of the BMW era. Looking for a breath of fresh air and always ready to field the best for its super cars, the English manufacturer has a real revolution in store.

Rumors and images that smell of leaks bounce on the web, with the specialized megazine Electrek having come into possession of photos that would demonstrate how the Cooper S could soon see design change radically in the Anglo-German group’s creative process. After seeing MINI in all its facets, with John Cooper Works EVO that puts all the power of its 300 HP into play, the model that would be ready to arrive in 2023 would be a decisive step in the transformation of the company’s cars.

In fact, the latest rumors would see a new declination of the range, which in addition to embracing the traditional petrol and diesel engines could soon see a totally electric line. From China, where the model is being perfected, an almost complete MINI Cooper SE has in fact been unearthed, which differs slightly from the point of view of external style.

The real revolution would in fact lie inside, with the electric motorization and a series of novelties ready to take to the street in 2023. Among the many “photographed” is thetechnological innovation in the passenger compartment, with the goodbye to the digital circular central display in favor of a thin floating screen, placed in the center of a flat and bare dashboard, and with very few physical controls.

Young and increasingly connected, MINI will also present itself with some design innovations. The biggest change is to be found in the rear lights, completely different from past models. Unlike the last MINI generation presented before the summer, the Cooper S headlights are connected by a horizontal black stripe that crosses the entire tail and serves as a support for the “MINI” identification lettering.

The novelties of the model, which have yet to be confirmed by the English company, are however a real leap into the future to become more and more attractive in the eyes of the youngest who probably know nothing of the history and great inventions of the iconic four-wheeler. .

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