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New York State Fossil Forest: The Oldest in the World from the Devonian Period 385 Million Years Ago

The forest discovered in New York State was present in the area approximately 385 million years ago during the Devonian Tristan Bergen 20/01/2024 10:00 5 min

Contrary to what one might have thought, the forest the oldest in the world is not located in Africa or the Amazon, or even in Asia. According to English paleobotanists, this would be located rather near one of the largest cities in the world, on the New York side.

The oldest fossil forest in the world

Old-growth forests can teach us a lot about the past climate of our planet. It is with this in mind that English paleobotanists began excavations in the state of New York in the United States, more precisely near the city of Cairo in Greene County. just two hours from New York.

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However, this sector was not chosen at random since It was in this region that the fossil forest was discovered a few years ago which until then held the title of the oldest fossil forest in the world.. The Gilboa forest, located only a few kilometers away, was discovered at an old quarry, containing fossils of primitive trees dating backapproximately 380 million years ago.

The fossilized forest recently discovered near Cairo by English paleobotanists seems even older. Indeed, it is made up of rocks and fossils dating fromabout 385 million yearswhich means that this forest would have developed during the Upper Devonian.

The age of this fossilized forest could in particular be determined via methods of dating the rocks present on site. This archaeological site was in fact discovered around ten years ago but the results of analyzes concerning its seniority were only approved very recently.

Studying fossils to understand climate change

This primitive forest is particularly rich in fossils according to the paleontologists and paleobotanists present on site. DFossilized trees reaching up to 19 meters high could, for example, have been unearthed as well as numerous fish fossilswhich could lead to this forest had been destroyed by a devastating flood.

Fossils of roots of Archeopteris could also be discovered on site, a species which presents of great interest to scientists. These roots are in fact remains of giant fernswhich can reach up to 40 meters higha species now extinct but which is representative of the climate prevailing at that time.

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The Devonian was in fact characterized by a very hot and humid climate with an average temperature of around 30°C favored by a significant greenhouse effectthis is why this period is also known as “ greenhouse age “. This generally warm climate had contributed to the development of tropical-looking forests over a large part of the globe, notably made up of numerous varieties of ferns such as Archeopteris.

Thus, the discovery of this primitive forest is of immense interest to scientists, allowing them toimprove their knowledge of the past climate and in particular its evolution. Fossilized trees actually containtraces of the evolution of carbon dioxide during this period and this information will therefore be able to provide a more precise idea of ​​how this has influenced the earth’s climate.

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These new data can then be used in current climate models to potentially better understand and understand how our climate will evolve in the future. CO2 levels have in fact been constantly increasing in recent years on Earth, as have the greenhouse effect and global average temperatures.

2024-01-20 09:00:00
#Unusual #oldest #forest #world #discovered #York

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