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New York schools will resume face-to-face classes

FILE PHOTO: Separate desks inside a classroom to meet social distancing requirements at New Bridges Elementary School in New York City, United States, on Aug. 19, 2020. Jeenah Moon / Pool via REUTERS

NEW YORK, May 24 (Reuters) – New York City’s school system, the nation’s largest, will once again offer face-to-face classes for all of its 1.1 million students, Mayor Bill de Blasio said on Monday, ending its current hybrid schedule in September.

“You can’t have a full recovery without the schools being at full capacity, without everyone sitting back in those classrooms, without the children relearning,” de Blasio said on MSNBC. “And that is what is going to happen in September.”

The system has been operating on a pandemic-induced hybrid schedule this current school year, in which students are in class for three days and learn from home for two days, and then alternately reverse this pattern.

(Reporting by Peter Szekely in New York and Susan Heavey in Washington; edited by Ed Osmond and Bernadette Baum; edited by Tomás Cobos)

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