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New York City Rent Freeze Program: How to Apply and Renew Your Rent Freeze

New York City has an active rent freeze program, which consists of a property tax credit that covers the difference between the actual amount of rent and what you must pay at the frozen rate.

The program is associated with two other programs: Rent Increase Exemption for Seniors (SCRIE) and Disabled Rent Increase Exemption (DRIE).

The goal is for disabled, elderly, or low-income people to remain in their affordable housing by freezing rent.

How to apply for the program to freeze your rent

To qualify for the benefit for the first time, you must submit an initial application, which requires proof of age, income, and rental documentation.

Once you have the sustenance, Click here to download the correct form.

You can renew the program up to 60 days after it ends

Keep an eye on the email with which you made your initial request, since approximately 60 days after it ends, a finance team will send you the renewal request.

If you do not renew, the benefit will end on the date stated in your approval letter.

It is also essential that you inform the New York rent freeze program when any of the following changes occur:

  • Permanent decrease in your income, by 20% or more
  • Move to a new home
  • Increase or reduction in the number of household members
  • New charges such as Major Capital Improvements (MCI) or fuel cost adjustments

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2023-12-19 21:28:00
#York #City #Rent #Freeze #Program #Apply

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