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New York cardiologist sued Apple for patent infringement

A New York cardiologist claims that the function of the Apple Watch to detect atrial fibrillation infringes his patent. He introduced Apple to the 2017 concept – now the doctor is suing.

In autumn 2018, Apple had one with the Apple Watch Series 4 Function for creating electrocardiograms (EKG) presented. German cardiologists also had them in April ECG function that came to Germany described as an interesting option for the early detection of atrial fibrillation. But it is precisely this function that is now the focus of a lawsuit for possible patent infringement, such as Bloomberg writes,

New York doctor sued Apple

Accordingly, the cardiologist Joseph Wiesel from New York filed a corresponding complaint on Friday with a federal court in Brooklyn. The doctor, who teaches at the School of Medicine at the University of New York, claims to have a patent for the detection of atrial fibrillation. And Apple has this patent through a corresponding function in the Apple Watch injured.

With this function, the watch measures the wearer’s heartbeat and can give warnings if atrial fibrillation or an irregular pulse occurs in general. However, Wiesel refers to its own patent from 2006, which also deals with the measurement of cardiac arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation.

Apple is said to have infringed patent

The doctor said he contacted Apple in September 2017 and presented his invention to the Apple Watch manufacturer. He provided the company with detailed information about his patent. But instead of going into it, Apple introduced a corresponding function for its smart watch a year later. Now Wiesel wants Apple to pay him fees if the company continues to use the function. Otherwise, the court should prohibit Apple from further use, Wiesel demands. As usual, Apple has not yet commented on the allegations.

Also interesting: Patent dispute finally ended – Apple and Qualcomm bury the hatchet

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