Home » today » News » New Year’s Best Places 2023|Full Guide to Tai Sui in the Year of the Rabbit!Photo of the auspicious time of Tai Sui + opening arrangement of 5 major temples + precautions

New Year’s Best Places 2023|Full Guide to Tai Sui in the Year of the Rabbit!Photo of the auspicious time of Tai Sui + opening arrangement of 5 major temples + precautions

New Year’s Best Places 2023|Full Guide to Tai Sui in the Year of the Rabbit!Photo of the auspicious time of Tai Sui + opening arrangement of 5 major temples + precautions

The Year of the Rabbit is about to enter, and if you want to have good luck in the new year, those who commit Tai Sui should remember to go to temples to worship the gods to photograph Tai Sui according to the auspicious day, so that the Year of the Rabbit will be smooth! This time, we will integrate the 2023 Year of the Rabbit with the Tai Sui zodiac, the accessories to be worn, the best auspicious time for taking pictures of Tai Sui, and the precautions for taking pictures of Tai Sui. In addition, we also list the opening arrangements of the top 5 local temples for everyone, so that everyone can successfully take pictures of Tai Sui, and good luck in the Year of the Rabbit!

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2023 Year of the Rabbit Tai Sui Raiders 1. Offending Tai Sui Zodiac + Wearing Accessories

Rabbit: dog-shaped ornament

If you commit Tai Sui in your natal year, happy events such as getting married, having children, or buying a property can reduce the impact of committing Tai Sui. This year, there are inauspicious stars such as “Heavenly Crying Star” and “Corpse Star” appearing. The Lord is affected by diseases, and the mood is also ups and downs and easy to be pessimistic. Remind yourself to be positive.

Rat: Bull-shaped ornament

People born in the year of the Rat are “Punishment Tai Sui” this year, so they should pay attention to preventing lawsuits and bad tongue; fortunately, there are peach blossom stars such as “Red Star”, “Xianchi Star” and “Peach Blossom Star” this year, and the peach blossom luck is the most prosperous among the 12 zodiac signs. , luck is particularly good.

Rooster: Snake or Bull Ornament

People who belong to the rooster are “too old” this year, and the overall fortune fluctuates greatly. In addition, there is no auspicious star to shine, and no external help. It is most practical to do everything by yourself, but try to stay calm.

Dragon: Monkey Ornament

This year is the year of “Hazardous Tai Sui” for dragons, the overall fortune does not change much, but pay attention to the truth behind the new year, and pay more attention to interpersonal problems, such as discord with others, easy to be misunderstood by others, and problems at work. More personnel issues.

Horse: goat-shaped ornament

This year is “Broken Tai Sui”, which means “destruction”. The new year will be challenged and tested in many ways, and everything will not go well. Fortunately, there are two auspicious stars, “Tianxi Xing” and “Lunar Xing” shining, so when encountering difficulties, the problems will be solved easily.

2023 Year of the Rabbit Photo Tai Sui Raiders 2. The best date, auspicious time, and zodiac signs to take photos of Tai Sui

January 27, 2023 (the sixth day of the first lunar month) auspicious time 7am-9am, 11am-1pm (chong rat, rooster, dragon, horse)

January 30, 2023 (the ninth day of the first lunar month) auspicious time 7am-11am (chong rabbit, rat, rooster, dragon)

January 31, 2023 (the tenth day of the first lunar month) auspicious time 9am-1pm (chong rabbit, rat, rooster, dragon, horse)

February 5, 2023 (15th day of the first lunar month) auspicious time 9am-11am, 1pm-3pm (chong rabbit, rooster, dragon, horse)

2023 Year of the Rabbit Photo Tai Sui Raiders 3. Precautions for taking photo Tai Sui worship

  • Those who took the Tai Sui last year must return the Tai Sui first

  • Returning Tai Sui must be completed before the beginning of spring, that is, before February 4, 2023

  • Prepare to buy Tai Sui clothes and incense candles, and fill in the name and date of birth on the Tai Sui clothes according to the instructions.

  • Prepare offerings such as incense candles, praying paper, and good-willed fruits such as apples and tangerines; it is advisable to prepare a pair of each type of fruit.

  • When photographing Tai Sui, keep calm, be respectful and sincere, and dress modestly

2023 Year of the Rabbit Tai Sui Raiders 4. Steps to Worship Tai Sui

  1. Before entering the temple, worship the Great General Tai Sui

  2. Worship the Tai Sui of the year of your birth

  3. Worship the Tai Sui of the year of your birth

  4. Dissolve the Tai Sui Treasure Clothes to complete

2023 Year of the Rabbit Tai Sui Raiders 5. 5 major temple opening arrangements

Sheung Wan Man Mo Temple

The Man Mo Temple located on Hollywood Road in Sheung Wan was built around 1847 and has a history of more than 100 years. Every year, an autumn sacrifice ceremony is held to reward the two emperors, Man and Wu. Among them, the career and study are the most effective.

Address: 124-126 Hollywood Road, Sheung Wan

Special opening date and time: January 22 (the first day of the Lunar New Year), February 5 (the fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year) 7am-6pm, other days 8am-6pm

How to get there: Walk for about 6 minutes from Exit A2 of Sheung Wan Station, MTR Station


Man Mo Temple, Sheung Wan (Tung Wah Group of Hospitals website)


The plaque of “Shenwei Puyou” means that Shenwei protects the shade and protects all living beings (Tung Wah Group of Hospitals website)

Lit Shing Kung, Sheung Wan

The temple has a history of more than 100 years. As the name suggests, the Liesheng Palace is a place where the amulets of saints and ancestors are stored. In addition, there are great gods such as Emperor Wenchang, Emperor Guanwu, Duke Bao, and Chenghuang!

Address: 128 Hollywood Road, Sheung Wan

Special opening date and time: January 22 (the first day of the Lunar New Year), February 5 (the fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year) 7am-6pm, other days 8am-6pm

How to get there: Walk for about 6 minutes from Exit A2 of Sheung Wan Station, MTR Station


Lit Shing Temple, Sheung Wan (Tung Wah Group of Hospitals website)


Those who took photos of the Tai Sui last year must return the Tai Sui first (Tung Wah Group of Hospitals website)

Yuanxuan College

Yuen Yuen Academy is located in Tsuen Wan. It has temples, pavilions, and worship halls dedicated to Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism. The Taisui Hall in Yuanxuan Academy has 60 star gods who are in charge of the world’s good fortune for a year. It is convenient for believers to pay homage to their Taisui star gods. Yuanxuan Academy also set up worship service for Tai Sui, which is convenient for believers to visit at any time.

Address: Yuen Yuen College, Tam Diet Tam, Tsuen Wan

Opening hours: Monday to Sunday and public holidays 8:30am – 5pm

How to get there: Take the green minibus No. 81 from Siu Wo Street, Tsuen Wan, and get off in front of Yuen Yuen College


Temple of Wealth of Yuanxuan Academy (Yuanxuan Academy facebook)


Dawulu God of Wealth Statue (Yuanxuan College facebook)

Sik Sik Yuen Wong Tai Sin Temple

The Wong Tai Sin Temple covers an area of ​​about 18,000 square meters. It enshrines the famous Taoist deity Huang Chuping, as well as Confucian and Buddhist gods such as Confucius and Guanyin. It can be said that the three religions are integrated into one. Wong Tai Sin Temple is also a famous place where incense is burned on the first day of the Lunar New Year, attracting a large number of devotees. During the entire first lunar month (January 23rd to February 19th), people whose zodiac signs are rabbit, rooster, horse, rat, and dragon can enter the “Tai Sui Yuanchen Hall” to worship Tai Sui for free!

Address: No. 2, Chuk Yuen Village, Wong Tai Sin

Special opening date and time: January 21 (New Year’s Eve) 7:30am-4:30pm, and incense sticks will be open overnight from 9pm; January 22 (New Year’s Day) 12:00am-9:00pm; 2 7:30am – 10pm on the 5th of the lunar month (the 15th day of the Lunar New Year), and 7:30am – 6:00pm on other days

How to get there: Walk for about 3 minutes from Exit B2 of Wong Tai Sin MTR Station


Sik Sik Yuen Wong Tai Sin Temple (Sik Sik Yuen website)


Keep calm when photographing Tai Sui (Sik Sik Yuen website)


Sik Sik Yuen Wong Tai Sin Temple ( Sik Sik Yuen Wong Tai Sin Temple facebook )


The opening hours of Wong Tai Sin Temple’s Chinese New Year and various pavilions ( Sik Sik Yuen Wong Tai Sin Temple facebook )

Hung Hom Kwun Yam Temple

The Guanyin Temple in Hung Hom is divided into three main halls, a central hall and a main hall. It was built in 1873. The temple mainly worships Guanyin, Tai Sui and Lie Sheng. In addition to being a resort for worshiping Tai Sui, the 4th Guanyin Festival every year is also the most prosperous time in the temple. , and traditionally on the 26th day of the first lunar month when “Guanyin opens the storehouse”, many believers will come to pray for good fortune.

Address: Hung Hom Mission Hall

Opening hours: Monday to Sunday and public holidays 8am – 5pm

How to get there: MTR Ho Man Tin Station Exit B1, go straight down Wuhu Street via the pedestrian bridge, turn left at the junction of Guan Yin Street, and walk for about 10 minutes


Hung Hom Kwun Yam Temple (Chinese Temples Committee website)


Prepare joss sticks and blessing paper before worshiping Tai Sui (Chinese Temple Committee website)

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