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new weekly diet to stay young

DIET TO LOSE weight, the diet weekly. January and February are two months that are best suited to follow one diet alkalizing. In fact, we definitely come out of the holiday period in which salami, meat and sweets have certainly increased the amount of acid toxins in our body. Follow this diet It will also allow you to lose weight naturally.


As he writes Robert Oldham Young – American naturopath and author of alternative medicine books promoting an alkaline diet, there is a deep link between acidosis, inflammation and adipose tissue. The increase in acidosis feeds that low-grade inflammation that favors the storage of energy reserves in fat cells and increases the difficulty in disposing of these reserve fats, generating a rmetabolic loosening and also increasing the sense of hunger.

The accumulation in the extracellular matrix of tossine acid it also causes greater difficulty in tissue drainage. And then that “sweet tooth” that you think is due to stress: know that tissue acidosis affects the synthesis of leptin, the hormone that regulates appetite and pushes the body to look for foods that favor the synthesis of serotonin, the hormone of good mood, which, coincidentally, are those rich in sugar. Chocolate and fat.

EVERY MORNING Just get up, water and lemon and then breakfast. The lemon is one of those foods that, acidic in flavor, is actually alkalizing. For this it is a good idea to start your days with diet with a glass of warm water with lemon juice. Then start your breakfast with a cup of bancha tea. Which is very light. And purified. Then eat a bowl of oatmeal with three or four hazelnuts, half an apple, a teaspoon of flaxseed, a tablespoon of raisins, and cow or vegetable milk. Alternatively you can consume a yogurt and a fruit or a slice of homemade cake with 4 almonds.


Lunch: a mixed salad as an appetizer and a dish with 60 g of boiled quinoa seasoned with 150g of artichokes cooked in a pan, slowly adding vegetable broth and dressing at the end with olive oil and fresh parsley.
Price: a puree of mixed vegetables or a minestrone and 100 g of plaice with 100 g of steamed broccoli; two buckwheat cakes.


Lunch: a salad prepared with cabbage, apple and lettuce with a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice. 60 g of parboiled rice and 60 g of boiled chickpeas then seasoned with zucchini and onion sautéed in a pan with a little extra virgin olive oil and a pinch of chilli.
Price: a vegetable purée and 100 g of grilled tofu with green salad and radishes or vegetables to taste.


Lunch: a mixed salad. 70 g of wholemeal couscous with 50 g of steamed chicken, raisins, sautéed zucchini. A portion of ribs.
Price: a puree of carrots and leeks (boil the vegetables in vegetable broth and season with a teaspoon of oil, fennel seeds and turmeric); 100 g of turkey and a side of boiled herbs. Two quinoa or buckwheat crackers.


Lunch: a steamed or grilled turkey breast with 200 g of Brussels sprouts and two quinoa or buckwheat crackers.
Price: a leek soup (fry a leek, a stalk of celery and a sliced ​​shallot in a little oil, add vegetable broth and parsley. When half cooked you can add 30 g of quinoa), an egg whites omelette with turmeric and black pepper and a side dish of zucchini in a pan.


Lunch: millet meatballs with radicchio (for two people: boil 80 g of millet and sauté the chopped radicchio and olives in a pan, mix by adding breadcrumbs, form the meatballs and bake in the oven for 15 minutes at 180 ° C), accompany salad.
Price: a vegetable purée and 100 g of tempeh on the plate with sautéed herbs.


Lunch: prawn salad (150g of cooked prawns, 2 tablespoons of boiled corn; 2 tablespoons of cooked cannellini white beans, 1 tomato. 1 tablespoon of pine nuts or sunflower seeds, 1/2 teaspoon of oil for seasoning). 1 slice of bread.
Price: 70 g of pesto pasta with 1 teaspoon of Parmesan cheese. Cicorino in salad dressed with 1/2 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil.


Lunch: 70 g of boiled rice enriched with diced crunchy vegetables (steamed carrots, green beans, peppers, courgettes added to the rice after cooking) and 1/2 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil. Steamed spinach.
Price: 1 hamburger bun (without sauces, but with salad and tomato slices to taste). 1 baked apple.

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