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New voice: with Aya Tantawi

This view resists quick questions with a new voice in Arabic script, in an attempt to clarify the traits and concerns of the new generation of Arabic writers. “Writers of a generation share a common concern, but each writer has their own experience, ideas and human and everyday struggles,” says the Egyptian narrator in her interview with The New Arab.

■ How do you understand the new writing?

In my opinion, any new writing that necessarily expresses the present moment engages its writer With reality, he speaks his vocabulary and breaks the mold of classical writings. Writing is a creative process that you can adapt time The methods of storytelling, and the intelligent writer knows how to express his personal voice without being influenced by other writings, and presents fresh ideas and always asks questions that occupy and express him.

■ Do you feel part of a literary generation that has its own characteristics, and what are these characteristics?

I am fortunate to belong to this generation. The generation that has seen Revolution And confronted with its reality and its dreams, this generation now strives to make its voice heard. In my opinion, my generation has turned into individual experiences, united by a common social concern, but each writer has his experience, his ideas, his human and daily battles. I can say that we are a generation trying to understand its current position on the map, asking questions and not waiting for answers.

■ How is your relationship with previous generations?

Without their writing, my literary taste would not have formed. I still go back to reading the old works of writers who were influenced by them, to gain more experience in the arts of writing and to enjoy their language skills. Personally, I have strong friendships with writers from generations before me and their friendships find great balance in my life and thoughts.

I am fortunate to belong to a generation that witnessed the revolution and clashed with its reality and its dreams

■ How would you describe your relationship with the cultural environment of your country?

– I always follow the modern creative productions of my colleagues, whether I have friends or not, and my constant propensity for original and intelligent writing that I like and resemble my taste.

■ How was your first book published and how old were you?

– My collection of short stories “In the shadow of shadows” is my first published work, I sent it to the publishing house and I immediately expressed my enthusiasm for its publication. The collection was released when I was thirty-three.

■ Where do you post?

The group was published by the Batana Cultural Foundation in Cairo and, as regards my articles on literature and cinema, I publish them on various Egyptian and Lebanese cultural platforms and sites.

■ How do you read and how would you describe your relationship with reading: systematic, planned, spontaneous, casual?

All without a doubt. Reading is an essential part of my daily activity, I have scheduled readings according to the needs of my work, as far as my personal readings are concerned, they are largely random and I establish them according to my personal mood. Sometimes I just want to read poetry, other times short stories, and most of the time I choose some writers and choose from their works that I haven’t read yet.

■ Do you read in another language besides Arabic?

Most of my literary readings are in Arabic.

■ How do you view translation and would you like your works to be translated?

Translation is a big door to go through, it is important that the writer becomes familiar with the ideas of writers from different cultures. Of course, I hope that my stories are translated and that my characters wandering through the Egyptian popular neighborhoods reach a foreign reader who wishes to see these characters in reality.

■ What are you writing now and what is your next publication?

Now I am working on my new project; It is a collection of stories that has received a grant from the Cultural Resources Foundation and is expected to finish next year.


An Egyptian storyteller, born in Cairo in 1988. Last year she published a collection of short stories called “In Stretching the Shadows” and a novel called “The Last Winter of Books”. You publish literature and film articles on Egyptian and Arab sites.

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