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New munitions factory to be built in Romania

Romania, in cooperation with the United States and South Korea, plans to build a plant to produce gunpowder and ammunition.

About this, as reported “European Truth”on the air of the Romanian TV channel TVR Info said Romanian Minister of Economy Florin Spataru.

He recalled that the last gunpowder factory in Romania was closed in 2004, after which the country imported ammunition and gunpowder for the needs of its armed forces.

“Now we will make a large production capacity for NATO and non-NATO types of ammunition. In addition to the 800 million lei (about 160 million euros) allocated by the Ministry of Economy, we have also entered into paid partnerships with American and South Korean companies to start this industrial construction” , Spataru announced.

The head of the Romanian Ministry of Economy also stressed that the coronavirus pandemic and the war in Ukraine led to the creation and implementation of an industrial development plan for Romania, which takes into account new realities, and dependence on imports should be reduced.

As recently as last year, Ukraine’s allied states were privately considering plans to restore the production of Soviet-caliber ammunition in former Soviet countries to meet Ukraine’s needs.

On March 8 in Stockholm, EU defense ministers agreed to speed up the delivery of artillery shells and purchase more ammunition to help Ukraine, but still must decidehow to put these plans into action.

Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov, who was present in Stockholm, called on ministers to support the Estonian plan, according to which EU countries should join forces for the purchase of 1 million 155 mm shells 4 billion euros this year.

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