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New Dpcm, what changes for the school from 26 October. Schools closed, regional measures no longer valid with Dad below 75%

The measures of the new Dpcm signed by the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza have been in force since midnight tonight. What changes for the school from Monday 26 October.

In recent days, various ordinances have been issued by the Regions containing measures aimed at limiting the spread of Covid infections19. Some regions have opted for a mixed system of lessons with face-to-face and alternating distance teaching in high schools. Many governors have chosen 50% of the online classes.

With the publication of the new Dpcm of October 24, the provisions change for almost everyone. Nothing will change in regions where distance learning has already been made available from tomorrow at 100%, or where this method of conducting lessons is already active, such as Campania. In the other regions where a 50% system was chosen, by Tuesday 27 October, schools will have to adapt to the new provisions contained in the provision valid for the entire national territory, unless there are further interventions by the Regions to modify the percentage of the Dad which, however, cannot be less than 75%.

This was confirmed by the Ministry of Education with a note today.

For kindergartens and first-cycle schools, didactic activity remains in the presence. For secondary school institutions of the second degree – reads the ministerial circular – the minimum threshold for providing the integrated digital teaching activity is increased, according to the new provisions, to at least 75%, even if the regional ordinances have a lower limit“.

Regions where Dad is already foreseen for everyone

The Regions where distance learning is already provided for all secondary school students are: Calabria, Campania (but in this case also primary and first degree secondary schools), Lombardy, Sicily. Puglia, with the ordinance n. 397, has prepared the Dad but only for the last three years of high school, but here too we must consequently adapt to the new measures for the first and second classes.

Regions with Dad below 75%

Most of the Regions have issued ordinances that provide for distance learning below the threshold indicated by the last Dpcm. Basilicata, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Marche, Piedmont and Umbria from tomorrow should have activated the dad for 50% of the lessons. South Tyrol for 30% from 9 November.

Closed schools or teaching at alternating distance, here are the ordinances and dates region by region

The no of the principals

To date, and I say this by reasoning on the data released, reducing school attendance which is not a place of contagion, or in any case less than others, is a contradiction“, Is the comment on the latest Dpcm by Antonello Giannelli, president of the PNA, who considers a single national provision to be unfair. Giannelli then attacks: “In these six months nothing has been done to strengthen territorial medicine and the transport system, I hope this will be done now with the funds specifically allocated, so that this school year and with it the right to education are not completely compromised. of high school kids”.

Signed by Dpcm: distance teaching from 75% to 100% higher hours, continuous extraordinary competition, stop trips. FINAL TEXT


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